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Showing most liked content on 01/18/21 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    In Game Name: RoamRealm: HelheimTitle: Weird to say the least Technically spent New Year alone because I don't have parents anymore and my boyfriend is overseas and international flight restrictions are still a thing thanks to Covid. However 2020 did leave some good points. 1. Was able to seek help for my depression over the loss of my entire family with the help of professionals, and the support of my current partner and friends - this also let me start over a "new leaf" so to say. 2. Somehow got a new, decent job mid pandemic and made new friends/coworkers who I genuinely enjoy talking to. Never had that happen in my past jobs 3. Got back into illustrating as a side hustle (mostly nsfw so I can't post examples lol) 4. Reduced my relatively unhealthy vices, particularly drinking and smoking 5. PCR tested twice this year and Covid free both times I might have not celebrated with my already deceased family but at least I got to spend it with my partner's family, and that was a new experience as well. Never got to a point where I would meet "the parents". New Year illustration for bonus. Didn't have anything special or in particular to eat or drink during the end of 2020 since my wisdom tooth was annoying me for a while, but I would still like to share one of my favourite dish. Its called Soto Betawi (top left), with a side of rice, emping crackers (they're bitter but go well with other rich flavours) and grilled goat skewers/satay. Its a pretty local dish where I am, and I can't get enough of the warm coconut milk broth that complements the tender beef and cow innards that go with it. Enjoy!
  2. 2 points
    In Game Name: Onii-samaRealm: NiflheimTitle: "Tank and smile, boys. Tank and smile." - Some Royal Guard probably The global pandemic is but a mere unfair mechanic we face along the way. Our buffs dispelled, gears probably broken, maybe the lag helped with kicking our collective asses too, but we stand tall regardless. Or sit down and chill, that's fine too. We hold hands and face the future together... mentally, because social distancing, and make the best of the situation. For it is in suffering that we find joy, through the darkness we see the light, through the void we see substance and maybe, just maybe, we're all just a little bit masochistic inside. Onwards to a new year! We welcome 2020 season 2 with a smug on our face despite the teary eyes and shakey legs. Let's go and hope that this post is still valid because I don't know when the deadline was supposed to be!
  3. 2 points
    In Game Name: Yamete KudasaiRealm: HelheimTitle: 2020, A Year of Great Discoveries and Bright Future For All of US! The 2020 Roller Coaster! 1st Birthday of My Beloved Son Matched with a Level 10,000+ Battle Pass Player on Dota 2! Covid! Covid Covid! Ragnarok Origin is finally here!!!! Shining Moon! Finally, found the home I'm looking!
  4. 2 points
    Since there are still restrictions here in my country, I've been spending most of my time indoors working and playing when I can, and this year I made and geared other characters other than genetic for the first time in a while. Attached is my submission and how I actually feel about other classes as a genetic main, Thanks In game name: Lizard Realm: Niflheim Title: I know other classes are better™
  5. 1 point
    New Years Contest: The year 2020 has been quite a rollercoaster. However, we should look forward to 2021 with a positive attitude! Despite the quarantines and lockdowns this year, we can always find a way to share moments with the people we care about. Why not share with us your wholesome way of leaving 2020 for 2021! We’re happy to read stories about your favourite activities or food/drinks for New Year. Bonus points if you include the following! Pictures Videos Cultural appreciation The more you do, the more you get! A Win-Win for everyone! Conditions: State your In Game Name, Realm and Title of your submission. (Follow the below example) You can only submit one entry, you can change it until the deadline and edit the screenshot you have already posted. Be unique and have your own life stories, don't copy and re-edit after seeing other posts here. You will be disqualified. Try to capture a flattering picture if you can! Totally fine with blurring out pictures of people’s faces for privacy Example of submitting: In Game Name: Elek Realm: Helheim Title: Firework go boom Rewards: Winner: 200 Moon coins 200 Event coins (+50 Event coins for each additional detail you include) One of the chosen Costumes: Alpaca Hood (20070), Twinkle Star (19777) or Red Vane Hairpin (19804) Participants Costume Party Hat (20184) https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/20184/costume-party-hat 50 Event coins Note: Feel free to react to the one/s you like. The Staff members are not allowed to be winner of the event. They are however allowed to submit their Story/etc for the event and are eligible for the participation reward ONLY. You can keep the typos. If you find any. More editing to come. zzz
  6. 1 point
    In Game Name: IlluminusRealm: HelheimTitle: A year of lessons 2020 was a very hard year in all aspects, anyway i learn something that my grandma and mother tell me every time and is the most important is be healthy and thats right. In Mexico family is the most important, and regardless of distance and the rule of stay home we are aware of us, since our family in mexico to our family in UE and Germany. Every new year our family get together to talk and celebrate with a lot of food, music, drinks and funny games, this year we didnt that, we decided to lose our family reunion than to lose a family member. Unfotunately we lost 2 members of our big family and yes was very sad, but anyway we still here, we still together and we still have hope. This pic was of our familiar meeting in 2019-2020, we ate a lot including the delicious Mole of my aunt that dedicates to make banquet food uwu I want to say thanks to SMRO and SMRO STAFF to help us endure this situacion, and thanks to CROWDS, FC, Royal Flush and all community for gave me funny moment.... aaa and ERUDY! Thx
  7. 1 point
    Attached is my submission. Thank you! @Elektro In Game Name: Pankie Realm: Helheim Title: Leave me Alone 2020, Please! In Game Name.pdf