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  1. 2 points
    2019 Halloween Screenshot Event We would like to bring the Halloween Spookiness to Shining Moon ! The theme of this screenshot event is of course Spooky/Halloween Theme. Show us how Spooky you can be and the will of your Halloween Spirit. This event will be for both realms Niflheim/Helheim as one whole. This topic will automatically be closed on November 5,2019 at 00:00. The winners of this event will be announced on November 6, 2019. Conditions: State your In Game Name, Realm and Title of your screenshot. (Follow the below example) You can only submit one entry, you can change it until the deadline and edit the screenshot you have already posted. Be unique and have your own fashion sense, don't copy and re-edit after seeing other posts here. You will be disqualified. Screenshots cannot be edited. All interface should be hidden. (Default Key: Press F11 twice) You are free to use any emotes you want. You should have a caption/title for your screenshot. You are free to ask your friend/s to take part in your screenshot or you can take the screenshot with yourself only in it. Screenshots are to be posted under this thread and they have to be from your Shining Moon RO Screenshot Folder. (As it has the timestamp and the Shining Moon Logo). Example: In Game Name: Dusk Realm: Helheim Title: Ghost's can't hit me ! Judging Criteria: Sense of style: How you combine different costumes and colors. Harmony: The screenshot should look complete with choice of map/spot you use for background. Originality: Use your imagination, give your screenshot a title, give a little explanation about how you came up with it. Anything that can give your screenshot something extra. Rewards: Participation Reward: 100 Moonlight Coin First Winner: 500 Moon Coin Second Winner: 250 Moon Coin Third Winner: 100 Moon Coin Good luck to all the participants. We wish Shining Moon Community a Happy Spooky Halloween ! Winners of 2019 Halloween Screenshot Event: First Winner Name: Yasmina Realm: Nilfheim Title: Witch's spell went wrong Second Winner Name: Emperor Crimson Realm: Helheim Title: "Oh, a piece of candy!" Third Winner Name: ~Moonstone~ Realm: Helheim Title: Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Trick or Treat, Run Girl, Run Girl or Dead Meat
  2. 2 points
    IGN: Venda1x Realm: Nifllheim Title: Michael GX-SON
  3. 1 point
    IGN: Henley Realm: Niflheim Title : Run Little, Run Red.
  4. 1 point
    IGN: ElenoireRealm: Helheim Title: Me and my sister ready to go adventure
  5. 1 point
    IGN: Pasta Sempai Realm: Helheim Torture Girl: Why are you gay? Why are you so gloom Father? Nameless Bishop: *Taking a deep breath* Curiosity, interest, and obsession.. mile markers on my road to damnation.. Girl: May I know what were the terrible wonders you faced? Nameless Bishop: *Hmm* Don't try overrefining your weapon outside the event. In truth, it is a shame to tell you how many regalias I atomized for satiating my greediness and curiosity. Girl: It's RNG father, something that mortal could not control. A power beyond life and death.. Nameless Bishop: No.., it is a Mechanical hazard, possessed by malicious intent. ...
  6. 1 point
    IGN: _AzazeL_ Realm: Niflheim Title: Spready to the Gods
  7. 1 point
    Well, i had a problem uploading, so im disqualified because i needed to edit (uploading again), but anyway im going to share my pic because i like these events and only i want to participate uwu IGN: Illuminus Realm: Helheim Tittle: You'll float too. -Hi, Georgie! Aren't you gonna say hello? Come on, bucko. Don't you want a balloon? -I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers. My dad said so. -Very wise of your dad, Georgie. Very wise, indeed. I, Georgie, am Pennywise, the Dancing Clown. You are Georgie. So now we know each other. Correct? - I guess so. I gotta go. - Go? Without this? - My boat! - Exactly! Go on, kiddo...take it. You want it, don't you, Georgie? -Of course you do. There's cotton candy, rides and all sorts of surprises down here. And balloons, too, all colors. - Do they float? - Oh, yes. They float, Georgie. They float. And when you're down here with me... ...you float too! And here other one because i love HAAALLLLOOOOOOWWEEEEENNN AND I LOOOOOVEEEE THIIIISSSS SERVER UWU!!! Tittle: Demon God Illuminus
  8. 1 point
    IGN: Natson Realm: Helheim Title: The Conjurer of Souls
  9. 1 point
    IGN: Hippo Realm: Niflheim Title: Face my fears they say. I can't without a face. Ba dum tsss