Lunar 306 Posted September 13, 2020 Official Implementation Jobs Improvement BundleAll official skills that can be critical have their critical damage bonus from items reduced by half. Rune Knight Overview: Dragon Breath Improves base level modifier from (caster's BaseLv/150) to (caster's BaseLv/100). Dragon Breath - Water Improves base level modifier from (caster's BaseLv/150) to (caster's BaseLv/100). Dragon Training Improves the influence on Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water.(90 +(10 x Skill Lvl)) %. Sonic Wave Improves damage formula.(1050 + (150 x Skill Lvl)) %Atk. Reduces Cooldown from 2 seconds to 1.75 seconds. Reduces delay after skill from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Storm Blast Damage is increased from 1500% to 2100% based on 120 Str. Wind Cutter Increased cooldown from 0.2 seconds to 0.3 seconds based on level 5. Reduces delay after skill from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Reduced SP consumption: 23, 26, 29, 32, 35 Ignition Break Reduces area of effect from 11x11 cells to 9x9 cells Critical trigger chance is improved from the half of users critical chance to users critical chance. Damage formula was changed:(450 x Skill Lvl) %Atk Royal Guard Overview: Reflect Damage The entire skill had its effects removed and gained new: Skill name changed to "Reflect Damage Reduction" New effect: Reduces damage taken from melee reflection damage by (10 x Skill Lvl)%. Shield Spell The entire skill had its effects removed and gained new ones: Level 1: Recovers 5% of users MaxHP every 3 seconds for 90 seconds. Level 2: Recovers 3% of users MaxSP every 5 seconds for 90 seconds. Level 3: ATK + 150 and MATK + 150 for 90 seconds. As this skill can no longer deal damage, it cannot be learned from Reproduce and all Shadow Chasers containing this skill in Reproduce have it removed. Banding The entire skill had its effects removed and gained new ones: Cannot be used with Prestige, these buffs cancel each other. Can only be used while in a party: Increases DEF depending on number of party member within 11x11 cells around the user. ( Includes the caster itself )DEF + (6 x Skill LV) * Party Member count. Hesperus Lit Removes previous cast condition. Has its cooldown reduced to 0 seconds New damage formula:(300 x skill level)% ATK While used under Inspiration Effect, Increases damage to (450 x Skill Lvl)% ATK. Earth Drive No longer inflicts Defense Reduction and Attack Speed reduction on targets Removes the chance to destroy the shield Removes forced earth property of the skill Skill now reads the Weapons Property Formula changes: No longer reads the shields weight and shields refine. ((380 x Skill Lvl) + STR + VIT)% ATK Vanishing Point New damage formula:(80 x Skill Lv)% ATK. Cannon Spear Removes old weird behaving straight line calculation Range has been reduced by 2 to 7 cells. Added Area of Effect around the target of 3x3 (level 1~3) / 5x5 (level 4~5). SP consumption has been increased to: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 Has a chance to trigger critical. Critical chance is half the users Critical chance. Moonslasher No longer makes the target sit / immobilizes them Now grants a new effect upon usage: Overbrand ReadyLasts: 2 x Skill LV seconds ( Increases damage done by Overbrand )( 150 * Skill LV )% ATK Overbrand Skill now deals damage to all targets around the caster in a 7x7 Area of Effect. No longer knocks back. No longer inflicts extra damage based on targets knocked against a wall or Pierce based. Skill now displays the same damage as before in 3 hits Formula changes to:(300 x Skill Lv) %Atk Genesis Ray The skill no longer consumes any HP SP Consumption was changed to: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 Skill now deals damage to all targets around the caster in a 7x7 Area of Effect. Skill Formula changed:(230 x skill level)% MATK While Inspiritation effect is active: Increases damage to (350 x Skill Lvl)% Matk and change the skill property to Neutral Property Magic Damage. Inspiration No longer has a EXP cost upon cast No longer removes your buffs upon cast No longer inflicts any damage on self while its active Duration changed to (30 + (30 x Skill Lvl)) seconds. The effect has changed to:Hit + (12 x skill level) All Stats + (6 x skill level) MaxHP + (4 x skill level)% Atk + (40 x skill level) Matk + (40 x skill level) Increases damage done by Genesis RayIncreases damage done by Hesperus Lit Drains 3.5 - (0.5 * Skill LV)% of MaxHP and 4.5 - (0.5 * Skill LV)% of MaxSP every 5 seconds Mechanic Overview: Arm Cannon The skill no longer has a special size penalty Fixed cast time reduced to 0.1 second based on level 5 Variable cast time reduced from 2.2 seconds to 2 seconds based on level 5. Cooldown reduced from 0.65 seconds to 0.3 seconds based on level 5. New damage formula:(400 + (300 x skill level))% ATK Base Level modifier improved from Lvl 120 to Lvl 100 Area of Effect is now 3x3 on Lvl 1-3, 5x5 Lvl 4-5. Casting range has been changed to 9 regardless of level. Knuckle Boost Variable casting time reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds based on level 5. SP consumption was changed to: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 New damage formula:(100 + (200 x skill level))% ATK Base Level modifier improved from Lvl 120 to Lvl 100 Axe Tornado No longer deals any extra damage if worn with a Wind Element Weapon. No longer deals lower damage if targets are further away. No longer consumes any HP when casting SP consumption was changed to 45 on all levels New damage formula:(200 + (180 x skill level))% ATK Power Swing No longer autocasts Axe Boomerang New damage formula: Base Level modifier improved from Lvl 120 to Lvl 100The Base Lvl modifier affffects the entire skill formula now. The Dex and STR modifiers are reduced by / 2 before being applied to the skill formula.(200 + ( 100 * Skill Lvl ) + ( STR / 2 ) + ( DEX / 2 ) / 100 ) * Base Lvl Vulcan Arm New damage formula:(140 x skill level)% ATK Base Level modifier improved from Lvl 120 to Lvl 100 After cast delay was changed to 0.1 seconds on all Lvls Variable-cast time added at 0.2 seconds SP consumption was changed to: 9, 12, 15 Area of Effect was increased to 5x5 Genetic Overview: Cart Tornado New damage formula:(200 x skill level)% ATK Cart Cannon New damage formula:((((250 x Skill Lvl) + ((20 x Skill Lvl) x Cart Remodeling skill level) + ( INT * 2 ) ) * Base Lvl ) / 100)% ATK The INT modifier has been doubled Blood Sucker All old effects have been removed. Skill is now a supportive skill that can be cast on party members. Upon usage the skill consumes 5 Blood Sucker Plant Seed to give a buff to 1 party member. Target gains ((-1) + (2 x Skill Lvl)) % chance to restore (Skill Lvl) % of damage as HP when dealing physical damage. Skill duration: -20 + (60 x Skill Lvl) seconds. Spore Explosion The skill no longer deals 2 different types of damage. The skill deals Area of Effect damage around the target and on the target itself. Removes primary damage (Main single target damage). New damage formula:(400 + (200 x Skill level))% ATK Applies a debuff that affected targets will take more damage from long ranged physical damage by 10% (Reduced to 5% on boss monsters) for 5 seconds. Vaporize Adds a 20 second cooldown. Homunculus Resurrection Adds a 20 second cooldown. Homunculus Sera: Needle of Paralyze New Damage formula:(450 x skill level) %. Homunculus Sera: Poison Mist Blind effect has been removed Added a new effect: "Poison Mist" Targets Flee is 0 for the duration. New damage formula:(200 x skill level) %. Damage interval is unified to 1 second regardless of skill level. Increases additional damage depending on homunculus' Dex. Changes duration to (3 x skill level) seconds. When cast, the old one will be removed and the new one will be placed on casting area. Homunculus Sera: Pain Killer Increases duration to (300 + (30 x skill level)) seconds No longer applies a attack speed reduction Can be cast on owner only. Homunculus Dieter: Lava Slide Reduces area of effect to 7x7 Removes attack count limit, Removes Burning infliction chance. New damage formula:(50 x skill level) %, damage Interval is reduced to 1 second. Changed duration to (5 + skill level) seconds. When recast, the old one will be removed and the new one will be placed on casting area. Homunculus Dieter: Pyroclastic Increases bonus attack damage by 10 * Skill Lvl Duration changed to (300 + (30 x skill level)) seconds. No longer applies Fire Element on the Weapon No longer casts Hammerfall by a low chance Homunculus Eleanor: Midnight Frenzy New damage formula:(450 x skill level) % The skill ignores defense now Homunculus Eira: Eraser Cutter New damage formula:(450 x skill level) %, Increases the influence of INT in the damage formula Casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds. Homunculus Eira: Xeno Slasher Casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds. Homunculus Bayeri: Stahl Horn Removes knock-back inflicting effects. New damage formula:(1500 + (300 x skill level)) % Increases the influence of VIT in damage formula Homunculus Bayeri: Stein Wand Adds cooldown by 20 seconds based on level 5. Additional effect: "Rock Wall" on self and the owner. Increases DEF by (100 x skill level) and MDEF by (30 x skill level). Last for (100 + (100 x skill level)) seconds. Homunculus Bayeri: Heilige Stange Casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds. New damage formula:(1500 + (250 x skill level) %. Guillotine Cross Overview: Dark Claw Duration increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds, Reduces effectiveness on boss monsters by half Counter Slash No longer knocks back. Cross Impact Cooldown reduced from 0.7 seconds to 0.35 seconds on level 5. New damage formula:(1400 + (150 x skill level))% ATK Cross Ripper Slasher Cooldown reduced from 0.3 seconds to 0.2 seconds on level 5, After cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds. Rolling Cutter Spin counter duration increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. Soul Destroyer Cooldown increased from 0.15 seconds to 0.25 seconds After cast delay reduced from 2.8 seconds to 1 seconds regardless of skill level Range reduced to 4 cells. New damage formula:(150 x skill level) %Atk. Shadow Chaser Overview: Fatal Menace New damage formula:(120 x skill level)% ATK, Damage is increased based on users Agi. Triangle Shot New damage formula:(230 x skill level)% ATK Base Level modifier improved from Lvl 120 to Lvl 100 No longer knocks back. Variable cast time removed Cooldown added with 0.2 seconds. After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.35 seconds. Shadow Spell Increases Matk by (5 x skill level) for the skill duration. Warlock Overview: Freezing Spell Increases mind slot per skill level from 4 to 8 (however the maximum number of memorized spell is 7 spells). Tetra Vortex New damage formula:(800 + (400 x skill level))% MATK Comet New damage formula:(2500 + (700 x skill level))% MATK Soul Expansion New damage formula:(1000 +(200 x skill level))% MATK Mystical Amplification SP consumption changed: 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 The skill no longer only affects one offensive skill, but every offensive skill during the duration. Skill duration: 60 seconds Magical amplification bonus reduced from (10 x skill level)% to (5 x skill level)%. Gravitational Field Damage display reduced to (2 x Skill Lvl) hits. Formula changed:100 x Skill Lvl)% MATK per hit Sorcerer Overview: Striking Can be used on party members only, changes bonus Atk that depends on level of weapon to (20 x skill level). Critical chance bonus has been removed New effect added that will increase Perfect Hit by (20 + (10 x skill level) Duration increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. Poison Burst Formula changed:(1000 + (300 x skill level))%Matk Improves base level modifier from (caster's BaseLv/120) to (caster's BaseLv/100). To the target and nearby enemies within 7x7 around the target. Deals (1000 + (500 x skill level)) %Matk to the target affected by Cloud Poison. Killing Cloud Red Gemstone consumption removed The skill duration changed to 5 seconds regardless of level The skill no longer inflicts Poison on targets The skill now infllicts a new effect calleld "Cloud Poison" for 5 seconds: Targets will take more damage from Poison Property by (5 x skill level) %. Spell Fist The attack count has been removed. Each attack now consumes 20 SP. The skill automatically ends when the users has no SP or the duration has ended. Duration increased to (30 + (15 x skill level)) seconds Reduces base damage:( Bolt Lvl * 100 + Spellfist Lvl * 20 ) Earth Grave The bonus from Endow Quake skill has been increased. Varetyr Spear The bonus from Endow Tornado skill has been increased. Diamond Dust The bonus from Endow Tsunami skill has been increased. Psychic Wave When user equips staff or book, each hit deals damage twice. Archbishop Overview: Adoramus New damage formula:(300 + (250 x skill level))% MATK If the user has Ancilla active: The skill property is changed to neutral for the duration. Judex New damage formula:(300 + (70 x skill level))% MATK Sura Overview: Lion's Howl SP consumption is reduced to 70 Sphere consumption reduced from 5 to 3. The range of the effect is changed from 15x15 cells to 9x9 cells, and no longer causes Fear. New damage formula:(500 x skill level) %Atk Improves base level modifier from (base level/150) to (base level/100). Lightning Ride Sphere consumption reduced from (skill level) to 2 (The number of hits will still be the same as the skill level). Variable cast time reduced to 1 second Skill cooldown reduced to 0.5 seconds. Rampage Blast Sphere consumption reduced from 5 to 3. Flash Combo Sky Blow is removed from the skills chain. Skill cooldown is reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Tiger Cannon The skill now deals damage to all targets around the caster in a 7x7 area of effect and no longer requires a target to be cast. The skill no longer has a pseudo elemental calculation, and instead uses weapon elemental property. Skill cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 seconds. Fallen Empire Immobilize effect removed Bonus damage from targets carrying weight (size for monsters) removed. New damage formula:(100 + (300 x skill level)) %Atk. Cast range increased from 1 cell to 2 cells. Dragon Combo New damage formula:(100 + (80 x skill level)) %Atk. Cast range increased from 1 cell to 2 cells. Sky Blow New damage formula:(200 x skill level) %Atk. Rising Dragon Duration increased to (100 + (20 x skill level) seconds. MaxHP/MaxSP bonus changed to (skill level) %. HP draining on skill duration and HP/SP recovery penalty removed. Ranger Overview: Unlimit The DEF and MDEF penalty is removed. Duration is increased from 60 seconds to 150 seconds. Arrow Storm Fixed cast time of 0.3 seconds is added Variable cast time reduced to 2 seconds Skill cooldown is 3.2 seconds regardless of skill level. SP consumption changed: 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 Arrow consumption reduced from 10 to 5 Area of effect is changed to 9x9 New damage formula:(200 + (180 x skill level))% Atk While Fear Breeze is active(200 + (250 x skill level))% Atk Aimed Bolt Number of attacks is fixed to 5 regardless of the size of the target. While Fear Breeze is active, Increases damage to (800 + (35 x skill level)) %Atk per hit. Number of arrows consumed is fixed to 3 Sharp Shooting Skill range increased from 9 cells to 11 cells. New damage formula:(300 + (300 x skill level)) %Atk. Removes old weird behaving straight line calculation Added area of effect around the target of 5x5 SP consumption reduced from 30 to 24. Wanderer / Minstrel Overview: Reverberation Arrow consumption reduced from 10 to 5. Area of effect reduced from 7x7 cells to 5x5 cells regardless of skill level. SP consumption changed: 56, 62, 68, 74, 80 Severe Rainstorm New damage formula:(100 x skill level)% Atk when equipping a bow(120 x skill level)% Atk when equipping musical instrument/whip. Arrow consumption reduced from 20 to 10. Metallic Sound Doubles skill damage. kRO patch 19th of August 2020 Items added: Range Stone (Upper) ( ID: 1000375 ) Range Stone (Lower) ( ID: 1000376 ) Melee Stone (Upper) ( ID: 1000377 ) Melee Stone (Middle) ( ID: 1000378 ) Melee Stone (Lower) ( ID: 1000379 ) kRO patch 6th of September 2020 Items added: Young Leaf of World Tree (Str) ( ID: 420017) Young Leaf of World Tree (Dex) ( ID: 420018) Young Leaf of World Tree (Agi) ( ID: 420019) Young Leaf of World Tree (Luk) ( ID: 420020) Young Leaf of World Tree (Vit) ( ID: 420021) Young Leaf of World Tree (Int) ( ID: 420022) Added to Amdarais in Glast Heim ( Hard Mode ) Nightmare Biolab Improvements of the effects of some Nightmare Biolab Headgears Old Driver Band (Yellow) Improves the Arm Cannon damage bonus from 5% to 15%. Old Minstrel's Song Hat & Old Dying Swan Improves Severe Rainstorm damage bonus from 5% to 15%. Old Magic Stone Hat Improves Soul Expansion damage bonus from 5% to 15%. Old Circlet of Bones Improves Cross Impact damage bonus from 5% to 15%. Old Protection Crown Improves Overbrand damage bonus from 5% to 15%. New enchant and enchant effects improvement. New Enchant: The NPC for Nightmare Biolab enchants has been adjusted to contain the new enchant. Unyielding Lvl 1: Increases melee physical damage by 4%, Perfect Hit + 1 Lvl 2: Increases melee physical damage by 8%, Perfect Hit + 2 Lvl 3: Increases melee physical damage by 12%, Perfect Hit + 3 Lvl 4: Increases melee physical damage by 16%, Perfect Hit + 4 Lvl 5: Increases melee physical damage by 20%, Perfect Hit + 5 Lvl 6: Increases melee physical damage by 24%, Perfect Hit + 6 Lvl 7: Increases melee physical damage by 28%, Perfect Hit + 7 Lvl 8: Increases melee physical damage by 32%, Perfect Hit + 8 Lvl 9: Increases melee physical damage by 36%, Perfect Hit + 9 Lvl 10: Increases melee physical damage by 44%, Perfect Hit + 10 Improves the effects of current enchants of Nightmare Biolab Headgears as below. Ambition / Mettle Old Effect: Lvl 1: Atk +3%, Hit + 3 Lvl 2: Atk + 6%, Hit + 6 Lvl 3: Atk + 9%, Hit + 9 Lvl 4: Atk + 12%, Hit + 12 Lvl 5: Atk + 15%, Hit + 15 Lvl 6: Atk + 18%, Hit + 18 Lvl 7: Atk + 21%, Hit + 21 Lvl 8: Atk + 24%, Hit +24 Lvl 9: Atk + 27%, Hit + 27 Lvl 10: Atk + 33%, Hit + 30 New Effect: Lvl 1: Atk + 4%, Hit + 10 Lvl 2: Atk + 8%, Hit + 20 Lvl 3: Atk + 12%, Hit + 30 Lvl 4: Atk + 16%, Hit + 40 Lvl 5: Atk + 20%, Hit + 50 Lvl 6: Atk + 24%, Hit + 60 Lvl 7: Atk + 28%, Hit + 70 Lvl 8: Atk + 32%, Hit + 80 Lvl 9: Atk + 36%, Hit + 90 Lvl 10: Atk + 44%, Hit + 100 Expectation / Acute Old Effect: Lvl 1: Increases critical damage by 10%, Cri + 3 Lvl 2: Increases critical damage by 20%, Cri + 6 Lvl 3: Increases critical damage by 30%, Cri + 9 Lvl 4: Increases critical damage by 40%, Cri + 12 Lvl 5: Increases critical damage by 50%, Cri + 15 Lvl 6: Increases critical damage by 60%, Cri + 18 Lvl 7: Increases critical damage by 70%, Cri + 21 Lvl 8: Increases critical damage by 80%, Cri + 24 Lvl 9: Increases critical damage by 90%, Cri + 27 Lvl 10: Increases critical damage by 110%, Cri + 30 New Effect: Lvl 1: Increases critical damage by 20%, Cri + 3 Lvl 2: Increases critical damage by 35%, Cri + 6 Lvl 3: Increases critical damage by 50%, Cri + 9 Lvl 4: Increases critical damage by 65%, Cri + 12 Lvl 5: Increases critical damage by 80%, Cri + 15 Lvl 6: Increases critical damage by 95%, Cri + 18 Lvl 7: Increases critical damage by 110%, Cri + 21 Lvl 8: Increases critical damage by 125%, Cri + 24 Lvl 9: Increases critical damage by 140%, Cri + 27 Lvl 10: Increases critical damage by 170%, Cri + 30 ArchLine / Master Archer Old Effect: Lvl 1: Increases bow damage by 4%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 1%) Lvl 2: Increases bow damage by 8%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 2%) Lvl 3: Increases bow damage by 12%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 3%) Lvl 4: Increases bow damage by 16%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 4%) Lvl 5: Increases bow damage by 20%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 5%) Lvl 6: Increases bow damage by 24%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 6%) Lvl 7: Increases bow damage by 28%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 7%) Lvl 8: Increases bow damage by 32%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 8%) Lvl 9: Increases bow damage by 36%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 9%) Lvl 10: Increases bow damage by 44%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%) New Effect: Lvl 1: Increases long ranged physical damage by 4%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 1%) Lvl 2: Increases long ranged physical damage by 8%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 2%) Lvl 3: Increases long ranged physical damage by 12%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 3%) Lvl 4: Increases long ranged physical damage by 16%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 4%) Lvl 5: Increases long ranged physical damage by 20%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 5%) Lvl 6: Increases long ranged physical damage by 24%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 6%) Lvl 7: Increases long ranged physical damage by 28%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 7%) Lvl 8: Increases long ranged physical damage by 32%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 8%) Lvl 9: Increases long ranged physical damage by 36%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 9%) Lvl 10: Increases long ranged physical damage by 44%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%) MagicEssence / Magic Essence Old Effect: Lvl 1: Matk + 3%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds Lvl 2: Matk + 6%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.2 seconds Lvl 3: Matk + 9%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.3 seconds Lvl 4: Matk + 12%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.4 seconds Lvl 5: Matk + 15%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.5 seconds Lvl 6: Matk + 18%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.6 seconds Lvl 7: Matk + 21%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.7 seconds Lvl 8: Matk + 24%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.8 seconds Lvl 9: Matk + 27%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.9 seconds Lvl 10: Matk + 33%, reduces fixed casting time by 1 seconds New Effect: Lvl 1: Matk + 4%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds Lvl 2: Matk + 8%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.2 seconds Lvl 3: Matk + 12%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.3 seconds Lvl 4: Matk + 16%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.4 seconds Lvl 5: Matk + 20%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.5 seconds Lvl 6: Matk + 24%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.6 seconds Lvl 7: Matk + 28%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.7 seconds Lvl 8: Matk + 32%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.8 seconds Lvl 9: Matk + 36%, reduces fixed casting time by 0.9 seconds Lvl 10: Matk + 44%, reduces fixed casting time by 1 seconds Diamond / Adamantine Old Effect: Lvl 1: MaxHP + 5%, Def +15 Lvl 2: MaxHP + 10%, Def +30 Lvl 3: MaxHP + 15%, Def +45 Lvl 4: MaxHP + 20%, Def +60 Lvl 5: MaxHP + 25%, Def +75 Lvl 6: MaxHP + 30%, Def +90 Lvl 7: MaxHP + 35%, Def +105 Lvl 8: MaxHP + 40%, Def +120 Lvl 9: MaxHP + 45%, Def +135 Lvl 10: MaxHP + 55%, Def +150 New Effect: Lvl 1: MaxHP + 5%, Def +140, Mdef +20 Lvl 2: MaxHP + 10%, Def +180, Mdef +40 Lvl 3: MaxHP + 15%, Def +220, Mdef +60 Lvl 4: MaxHP + 20%, Def +260, Mdef +80 Lvl 5: MaxHP + 25%, Def +300, Mdef +100 Lvl 6: MaxHP + 30%, Def +340, Mdef +120 Lvl 7: MaxHP + 35%, Def +380, Mdef +140 Lvl 8: MaxHP + 40%, Def +420, Mdef +160 Lvl 9: MaxHP + 45%, Def +460, Mdef +180 Lvl 10: MaxHP + 55%, Def +500, Mdef +200 Affection Old Effect: Lvl 1: Increases heal effectiveness by 5%, Mdef + 3 Lvl 2: Increases heal effectiveness by 10%, Mdef + 6 Lvl 3: Increases heal effectiveness by 15%, Mdef + 9 Lvl 4: Increases heal effectiveness by 20%, Mdef + 12 Lvl 5: Increases heal effectiveness by 25%, Mdef + 15 Lvl 6: Increases heal effectiveness by 30%, Mdef + 18 Lvl 7: Increases heal effectiveness by 35%, Mdef + 21 Lvl 8: Increases heal effectiveness by 40%, Mdef + 24 Lvl 9: Increases heal effectiveness by 45%, Mdef + 27 Lvl 10: Increases heal effectiveness by 55%, Mdef + 30 New Effect: Lvl 1: Increases heal effectiveness by 5%, MaxSP + 3% Lvl 2: Increases heal effectiveness by 10%, MaxSP + 6% Lvl 3: Increases heal effectiveness by 15%, MaxSP + 9% Lvl 4: Increases heal effectiveness by 20%, MaxSP + 12% Lvl 5: Increases heal effectiveness by 25%, MaxSP + 15% Lvl 6: Increases heal effectiveness by 30%, MaxSP + 18% Lvl 7: Increases heal effectiveness by 35%, MaxSP + 21% Lvl 8: Increases heal effectiveness by 40%, MaxSP + 24% Lvl 9: Increases heal effectiveness by 45%, MaxSP + 27% Lvl 10: Increases heal effectiveness by 55%, MaxSP + 30% Improved the penalty of some enchants of Temporal Boots as below. Bear's Power Removes Bigfoot transformation effect. Muscle Fool The penalty to ATK and MATK has been removed. Added a new penalty which drains 50 SP per second. Speed of Light The penalty which costs 400 HP per second have been removed. Changed the penalty from 40 SP per second to 50 SP per second. Enchantment System Changes: At the cost of the large amount of materials and zeny. The enchantment is selectable or enchant upgrade will be guaranteed. Nightmare Biolab Cost for selecting the desired enchant: Cursed Fragment 200x + 5,000,000 zeny 100% upgrade chance on enchant Level 1 - > Level 2 Cursed Fragment 100x + 3,500,000 zeny Level 2 - > Level 3 Cursed Fragment 200x + 5,000,000 zeny Level 3 - > Level 4 Cursed Fragment 250x + 8,000,000 zeny Level 4 - > Level 5 Cursed Fragment 350x + 14,000,000 zeny Racing Cap You can chose the desired enchant and can upgrade the enchant without fail up to max level. Cost for selecting the desired enchant: Racing Thank Ticket 250x + 10,000,000 zeny 100% upgrade chance on enchant Level 1 - > Level 2 Racing Thank Ticket 500x + 7,500,000 zeny Level 2 - > Level 3 Racing Thank Ticket 1000x + 10,000,000 zeny King Schmidt's Insignia You can chose the desired enchant Cost for selecting the desired enchant: Curse-eroded Gemstone 50x + Contaminated Magic 200x + Powerful Dimensional Essence 3x + 30,000,000 zeny Temporal Boots (unslotted and slotted) You can chose the desired enchant Cost for selecting the desired enchant: Unslotted:Coagulated Spell 100x + Powerful Dimensional Essence 1x + 5,000,000 zeny Slotted:Coagulated Spell 150x + Contaminated Magic 150x + Powerful Dimensional Essence 3x + 15,000,000 zeny Item Changes Item fixes: Twin Crown ( ID: 400121 ) Fixed the combos of the sets Rune Knight Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24589 ) Royal Guard Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24590 ) Mechanic Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24591 ) Genetic Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24592 ) Guillotine Cross Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24593 ) Shadow Chaser Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24594 ) Warlock Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24595 ) Sorcerer Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24596 ) Arch Bishop Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24597 ) Sura Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24598 ) Ranger Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24599 ) Minstrel & Wanderer Booster Shadow Weapon ( ID: 24600 ) Fixed a typo in the defense ignoring which caused the entire script to not be read Fire Property ( Armor ) ( ID: 29305 ) Fixed the gibberish name in description Dark Property ( Armor ) ( ID: 29306 ) Fixed the gibberish name in description Drooping Thanatos' Dolor ( ID: 42016 ) Fixed the entire itemscript to now give the correct bonus Patent Master Soul Rifle ( ID: 810001 ) Fixed a bug which caused Napalm Vulcan to not proc Libra Crown ( ID: 400117) Fixed a bug which caused the item to be unequipable Variant Dolor Card ( ID: 27313 ) Removed some useless letters from the description Shoes of Punishment [ Niflheim ] ( ID: 22120 ) Fixed the entire itemscript to now give the correct bonus Imperial Physical Modification Permit (Garment) ( ID: 40923 ) Imperial Magical Modification Permit (Garment) ( ID: 40924 ) Grace Physical Modification Permit (Garment) ( ID: 40925 ) Grace Magical Modification Permit (Garment) ( ID: 40926 ) Imperial Physical Modification Permit (Armor) ( ID: 40927 ) Imperial Magical Modification Permit (Armor) ( ID: 40928 ) Reduced the name of the item as it was causing some awkwardness when buying the item in the shop Grace Physical Modification Permit (Armor) ( ID: 40929 ) Grace Magical Modification Permit (Armor) ( ID: 40930 ) Reduced the name of the item as it was causing some awkwardness when buying the item in the shop Fixed a typo in the item description All pet eggs Fixed a typo on the yellow announced text when summoning the pet Imperial Refine Ticket ( ID: 40921 ) Fixed a typo on the item description Safety Pendant B ( ID: 32249) Fixed a combo bonus with Safety Epaulet B Bearer's Shadow Shoes ( ID: 24338 ) Fixed a typo in the item description regarding the required refinement Boosting Spear ( ID: 530000 ) Fixed the Banishing Point skill bonus when your level is above 180 Class Shadow Box ( Pendant ) ( ID: 23240 ) Fixed a typo in the lapine lua file which caused it to not load correctly Illusion Katar of Frozen Icicle (ID: 610012) Can be enchanted via enchanting boxes ( again ) Silent Executor (ID: 20391) Now has the correct position in item description Card Removing Matrix (ID: 40915) Now detects the following items: Sagittarius Celestial Coronet ( ID: 400061 ) Alice Egg ( ID: 9027 ) Now grants the correct bonuses based on the intimacy Illusion Huuma Fluttering Snow ( ID: 13337 ) Now has correct Water Element Gloom Under Night Egg ( ID: 9122 ) Now properly gives the Magical Ghost Element attack bonus Reset Stone ( ID: 6320 ) [ Niflheim ] Adjusted the item description that it resets the Gramps cooldown Infinity Gin ( ID: 14768 ) Fixed that the icon is now displayed Cursed Water ( ID: 12020 ) Adjusted the description to be more clear of what it does Added Icon while the buff is active Red Slim Potion ( ID: 11568 ) White Slim Potion ( ID: 11573 ) Yellow Slim Potion ( ID: 11574 ) Added missing item description Water Field (Bottom) ( ID: 25226 ) Updated the visual effect to latest kRO changes Skill Changes Skill fixes: Reflection damage will no longer trigger autocasts Cloud Killl Fixed a bug that prevented Cloud Kill from dealing any damage Gravitational Fielld Fixed a bug that made the cast seem a bit awkward and unofficial No longer consumes any gemstones Tarot Card of Fate Can no longer teleport dummies Bloody Lust Can no longer be used on others in towns Frost Misty Can now be cast on the ground Sura Combos Reduced the combo timer from 4 seconds to 2 seconds Flash Combo Changed the times for automated casts to be more official like Skill description change: Added more informative skill descriptions for all skills. Skill ID: Contains the Skill ID of the said skill ingame and used by databases such as Divine Pride Variable Casttime: Reduceable by stats or equipment After-cast delay: Reduceable by equipment only Move delay: Unreduceable, based on this number you cannot move for said duration. Effect / Skill duration: Information which is forwarded to some unit skills / status effects which are given by skills Secondary duration: Same as above, some skills need 2 different durations. Cooldown: Reduceable by certain items only and not every skill has such an item. Fixed Casttime: Reduceable by items and certain skills Range: Minimum range required to cast the skill Element: The element of the skill Skill-Type: The type of the skill, example: Long-ranged, physical ( short ), magic and such. Other changes Fortessa & World Boss The Arch Bishop limit has been reduced to 2 World Boss The same class multiplier that is used by Fortessa Pit will be applied to World Boss Fortessa Ruins All monsters HP has been tripled The same reductions and damage boosts from Fortessa Pit have been applied Fortessa Pit & Ruins Damage sorted by class: [ Signifies changes since last patch from 08-08 ] Star Emperor: + 30% Soul Reaper: + 40% [ Up from 20% ] Oboro & Kagerou: + 100% Genetic: + 100% [ Down from 200% ] Sura: + 100% Wanderer & Minstrel: + 50% Sorcerer: + 350% [ Up from 250% ] Royal Guard: + 300% Guillotine Cross: - 25% Mechanic: + 150% Arch Bishop: + 150% [ Down from 200% ] Ranger: + 50% Warlock: + 150% [ Up from 50% ] Rune Knight: - 25% Shadow Chaser: + 150% [ Up from 50% ] Summoner: + 450% [ Up from 350% ] Rebellion: + 225% [ Down from 350% ] Other @disable_homun | @dhomun Disables any homunculus from being visible to you ( this includes the Legion summons of Sera ) Fixed a bug that prevented achievements to function properly in Niflheim @go Adjusted the spawn location for the following locations: yuno einbech Added @go special to the @go list Battlestats Added Normal ATK boost % Added Melee ATK boost % Added Perfect Hit Insight Added HP % view to the command Visual Icon Added MvP visual icon to all MvP class monsters Added Boss visual icon to all monsters that are Boss class Blacksmith Blessing Added +12 -> +13 for the cost of 16x Blacksmith Blessing Added +13 -> +14 for the cost of 22x Blacksmith Blessing Monster fixes: Black Acidus now uses the correct Element Silver Acidus now uses the correct Element Piranha now drops its card Heart Hunter Velare should now have the correct wav sounds Quest Fixed the monster displayed in Underground Warehouse Cleaning II Fixed the monster displayed in Underground Warehouse Cleaning I BGM: Added missing BGM files 174-180 which fixes no BGM for most of the new maps sp_os sp_rudus sp_rudus2 sp_rudus3 sp_rudus4 ba_in01 ba_pw01 ba_pw03 ba_pw02 ba_bath ba_2whs01 ba_2whs02 ba_lost ba_lib ba_go ba_chess 1@lost 1@herbs 1@ghg 1@bamn 1@bamq Minimap Fixed all gibberish texts on minimap icons Added a new Fortessa minimap Added icons to Fortessa Fixed a bug that caused some minimap icons to show on wrong maps NPC changes Events Added automated Disguise Event The event will automatically occur on the following times: 03:00 AM 03:00 PM All rewards have been adjusted to Event Coins Safe Portal All rewards have been adjusted to Event Coins Fixed a bug that would make the Safe Portal event send you out early Undead Assault All rewards have been adjusted to Event Coins Trivia All rewards have been adjusted to Event Coins Fixed a bug that prevented Time Forgotten Farm to load correctly in Niflheim Added Special Tool Dealer to the following locations: morrocc geffen alberta aldebaran xmas yuno umbala louyang ayothaya einbroch einbech veins moscovia mid_camp manuk splendid brasilis mora malangdo lasagna Time forgotten Farm Fixed a bug that lets you skip the Time Forgotten Farm Pitaya Tails are no longer storageable Fixed a bug that prevented the purchase of a different Guild House while your guild already had one Fixed a bug with NPC Crane in Hugel that sometimes would fail to exchange an item for Racing Thank Tickets Fixed a weird teleport after finishing Sealed Shrine Fixed the Merry Badger on [ Niflheim ] Now sells Medium Life Potion correctly Now sells Reset Stone Added 2 new quests to Quest Maker Nurah 4th Class Outfit Ticket Quest Requirements: 15x Darkgreen Dyestuff ID: 979 15x Orange Dyestuff ID: 980 5x Costume Treasure ID: 51010 1x Alternate Outfit Ticket ID: 51022 50x Frozen Rose ID: 749 50x Ancient Hero Souls ID: 1900000008 250x Greater Fortessa Emblem ID: 1900000003 10,000,000 Zeny Powerful Dimensional Essence Quest Requirements: 5x Temporal Metal ID: 190000011 10x Temporal Crystal ID: 6607 250x Chivalry Emblem ID: 1004 5x Will of Red Darkness ID: 7566 25x Blade Lost in Darkness ID: 7023 1,000,000 Zeny Added a new feature to the Old Glast Heim NPC Recycling May recycle slotted stat Temporal Boots for 1x Temporal Metal Added a new NPC called Area Warper This NPC can warp you between the different Areas of Fortessa aswell as Main office and Refiner building Changed Main Offfice: Moved the following NPCs into the Main Office: Channel Master The NPC was also improved to work better and no longer require you to write a command or anything else. Upon login it will automatically force leave the channels until the option is changed again Added a new NPC: Eden Marketplace Warper Removed NPCs: Armor Merchant Weapon Merchant Other Item Xchanger Changed Exchanger Area: Moved the following NPCs into the area: Included better overview to see the category of the NPC better Instance Point NPC Enslaved Being ( Realm of Chronos ) Adventurer Balin Added new Special Area: Moved the following NPCs into the area: Included better overview to see the category of the NPC better Quest Master Nurah Illusion Manager World Boss Shop Card Exchanger Loyalist Hanna Voting Manager Lucretia Recycler Frank Item Collector Jason Activity Shop Monster Hunter Allen Specialist Roberto Castielle Added a new NPC Event Coin Exchanger Costumes Garments The Garment Coupon, Daily Trophy Exchange and Cashshop has been updated with these. Costume Evil Scythe Costume Big Ribbon Cloak Costume Leaf Umbrella Costume Papilio Ulysses Feather Costume Sakura Wings Costume Calabash Other Costumes Costume Rabbit Humping Cloth Costume Lotus Costume Unicorn Ornament Dropped: Mutant Plaga Dropped: Silver Acidus Dropped: Angelgolt Costume Mike Stand Costume Baby Polar Bear Costume Tree Frog Hood Dropped: Joker Dropped: Imp Dropped: Black Acidus Costume 20th Anniversary Balloon Costume Suit Lapel Costume Half Rim Glasses Dropped: Mutant Dolor Dropped: Rybio Dropped: Goblin Archer Costumes Blinking Sakura Eyes Costume Dancing Butterfly Costume Elegant Wave Dropped: Mutant Venenum Dropped: Mutant Twin Caput Dropped: Antique Firelock 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lunar 306 Posted September 18, 2020 Patch 2020-09-19- Applied to Niflheim - Done - Applied to Helheim - Not yet Skills Reverberation Now uses the correct amount of arrows Cross Impact Now has the correct cooldown ( applied yesterday already ) Arms Cannon Now has correct ACD Triangle Shot Now has correct formulla Frost Misty Now is correctly castable on the ground ( applied yesterday already ) Items Patent Scarlet Dragon Leather Bow Fixed a wrongly applying base atk modifier which gave the weapon more attack than it should Automatic Skill Enchants You can now put 3 skill enchants on the same armor, however it cannot bypass more than 2 of the same skill. Added the item image of Unyielding Costume Dismantling Changed the way costume dismantling rewards from the stone directly to a Costume Stone Box Added the new stones to the Box Other Fixed a issue that caused items to be wrongly stacked in storage or cart To apply the fix on yourself take the items to your inventory first Old Glast Heim Added the Temporal Metal dismantling Added the selectable enchant Cursed Water Fixed a bug which caused the buff to prevail while new weapon enchants were applied Fixed a bug which caused the buff to prevail even when taking the weapon off Fixed a bug which caused mounted 4th class sprites to cause an error Niflheim only Magical Crit When a skill is magical and crits instead of fluctuating between min ~ max matk it will always use max matk from now on# Fixed Blacksmith Blessing not showing at refinement 12 + 13 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites