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  1. Meissner's Booster Guide for Biolo

    Welcome to the suffering Booster Challenge! What the Hell is a Booster Challenge? Booster Challenge is a leveling trial where you have to level a Base Lv 1 character at 1x rate (both Base and Job) until Base Lv 230. There are some extra rules too: You won’t be able to change rates using @baserate or @jobrate. You won’t be able to use Class Mastery Skill. You won’t be able to use any kind of Battle Manual with more than 50% extra experience gain. Your quest log will be wiped as soon as you begin the booster character. Why would I do that? Because we like to suffer you may get plenty of rewards during the challenge whenever you reach a specific level, being the last reward the most wanted: a MvP Card Album (Album “gacha” containing all MvP Cards from the game, which turns account-bound once opened). The important rewards are: Booster Coins: At every new box from Base Lv 15 onwards. Used to trade for items at the Booster Coin Shop at Eden HQ (talk to Secretary Lime Evenor at @go 40). Consumables: At every new box from Base Lv 60 onwards. Includes Almighty, Limited Power Booster, Infinity Drink, Red Booster, Life Water Package and Shining Defense Scroll Booster Armor and Weapon: At Lv 100, a box containing coupons for Booster Armors and Booster Weapon (great for leveling in general, better when refined to +13). Battle Manuals: At Lv 115 onwards, some boxes have Battle Manuals, to help the leveling process. Booster Armor Upgrade: At Lv 115, a box containing the Booster Armor Upgrade lets you get all 3 Booster Armor to +10 refine Booster Weapon Upgrade Lv1: At Lv 115, a box containing the Booster Weapon Upgrade Lv1 lets you refine your Booster Weapon to +9. Booster Weapon Upgrade Lv2: At Lv 145, a box containing the Booster Weapon Upgrade Lv2 lets you refine your Booster Weapon to +11. Booster Weapon Upgrade Lv3: At Lv 175, a box containing the Booster Weapon Upgrade Lv3 lets you refine your Booster Weapon to +13 Garment Coupon: At Lv 230 you receive the Garment Coupon from the box (only if it is your first booster character of the month) Moon Coins: 200 Moon Coins for opening the Box at Lv 230 (only if it is your first booster character of the month) MvP Card Album: Once you reach base Lv 230, talk to the Seasonal Booster NPC and claim your Album (only if it is your first booster character of the month). If you don’t like the MvP Card you receive, talk to the NPC again and trade the Card for 50 ECAs. Of note, when you reach Base Lv 230, talk to Belinda at Office (@go 38) and claim some extra rewards: Alternate Outfit Ticket, 100 Moon Coins and the 50% Drop Bonus. These extra rewards aren’t related to the Booster Challenge, but to the fact you got to Base Lv 230 at 1x baserate. If you only want the Drop Bonus, you DON’T need to do the Booster Challenge, just begin your journey selecting baserate 1x / jobrate 1x and begin the leveling process. You will be able to change the jobrate to 100x and use Battle Manual x3, which is much better than the ones used for the Booster Challenge. Why would I choose Geneticist/Biolo for my Booster Challenge? Because you lack self-esteem and hate yourself it is a fun job to play. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t advise doing the Booster Challenge as Geneticist/Biolo for someone who has never played the class before nor isn’t ready to get good gears before beginning. Let me list some pros and cons. Pros: With the right gear you can one-shot all mobs with a Ranged Elemental AOE damage (Cart Cannon) You will always have max walking speed (Cart Boost) You will have a tank homunculus to die for you Cons: Expensive class to begin playing: Gears AREN’T cheap at all The first levels need Bomi set to achieve Lv 100 asap And now the Leveling begins! But WAIT! You created your new character, put 1x baserate and jobrate, talked to the Seasonal Booster NPC at Eden HQ (@go 40) and chose the “High Novice” option, turning into Base Lv 1, Job Lv 10. Now go to Office (@go 38), talk to the Jobchanger and make the worst mistake ever select High Merchant. You'll be Base Lv 1 and Job Lv 1, but at your status window you'll notice you have only 47 status points to use, instead of the 100 from a rebirth character. To solve this just reset your stats at the Reset Girl in Office (@go 38). Now you have to prepare, as preparation is key to finish your Booster before you die from boredom: Get your experience gear and use the minimum requirements to one shot the mobs you need to kill, again, YOU DON'T NEED TO OVERKILL, just the bare minimum and everything else should be there to improve your experience gain. These are the experience gear you should use: Dropping Gunslinger [1] All Stat + 1, reduces SP consumption of skills by 10%. Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%, increases drop rate by 5%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, ASPD + 1. If refine rate is 12 or higher, increases movement speed. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop Exp Advisor [1] – OR – Poring Sunglasses [1] Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 1%. [Can be enchanted with further +14% EXP from killing monsters] Get from Booster Coin Shop – OR – Experience from monsters + 4%, Item droprate + 4%. When equipped together with Angel Poring Boots, Experience from monsters additionally + 4%, additional item droprate + 4%. If Refine lv of Angel Poring Boots is higher than 12, Fixed Casting decreased by 0.4s. [Only when wearing Angel Poring Shoes] Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop Happy Balloon – OR – Poring Family Ballon Increases the experience given from monsters by 5%. Increases the drop rate of items by 10%. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop – OR – Increases item drop rate and experience gained from defeating a monster by 5%. [Can be enchanted with +5% EXP from monsters] Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop Kafra Uniform [1] Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%, increases drop rate by 5%. MaxHP + 100 and MaxSP + 20 per refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, additional MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%. If refine rate is 12 or higher, increases HP and SP recovery by 100%. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop Any Weapon — Any Shield — Candy Bag Backpack [1] (Magical) Matk + 2% per 3 refine rate. If refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%. (Physical) Atk + 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces delay after attack by 10%. (Ranged) Increases long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces delay after attack by 10%. (All) If refine rate is 12 or higher, reduces global cool time by 7%. If base level is lower than 100, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 10%. If base level is 100 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 4%. Craft using Candy Bag Backpack Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) Union Boots/Shoes [1] – OR – Angel Poring Shoes [1] If base level is 100 or lower, increases EXP gained by 4%, STAT + 1 per 2 refine rate. Get from Spirit of Union (freebie from beginning a new character) – OR – All Stat +1. [Heal] Lv.1 Can be used. [Only when wearing Poring Sunglasses] Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop Sea Otter Mini Fan [1] All Stat + 1, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop +10 Experience Shadow Shield If base level is lower than 175, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 20%. If base level is 175 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 10%. Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by additional 5% Craft from Experience Shadow Box OR Get from Shadow Coupon / Random Shadow Box OR Drop from MvP Ladder +10 Experience Shadow Weapon (not released when this guide was written) If base level is lower than 175, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 20%. If base level is 175 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 10%. Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by an additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by additional 5% Craft from Experience Shadow Box OR Get from Shadow Coupon / Random Shadow Box OR Drop from MvP Ladder Experience Costume Stone (Upper), (Middle) and (Lower) The Full Set gives +9% Exp from killing mobs Get from Costume Enchant Box (by chance) You should make use of the Consumables you get from your Booster Boxes (and from the Monster Hunter Coin Shop at @go 47). I advise for Half Biscuit Box, Shining Defense Scroll and Life Water consumables, since those will help both in achieving OHKO and survivability. One last preparation you should take care of before starting is getting an alternate account with a Performer to buff you (Troubadour or Trouvere). Try to get it to Base Lv 200 and make it learn "Sonata of Kvasir", so you can have "Mr Kim is a Rich Man" song buff always on, giving you a nice +60% Exp (and it is multiplicative!) along with some other great buffs. And also, during the leveling process, don't forget to pop a Battle Manual to get +50% and to use the Experience Event in your favor (every weekend from Friday 00:01 to Monday 00:00). Base Lv 1-99: First Steps High Merchant has only 1 AOE skill, it is a “fake” AOE and it sucks: Cart Revolution. Which leaves us with 2 options for the very beginning: Nightmare Pyramid Quests or going directly to Bomi Set Nightmare Pyramid Quests Get a second account or a friend to help you out and party together. Warp to moc_prydn1 and talk to the cat to start hunting Nightmare Verit and Nightmare Ancient Mummy. With the second account (or the help of a friend) kill 20 Nightmare Verit and talk to the cat again with your Booster character to complete the first part and get close to Job Lv 50. Jobchange again to Creator, kill 20 Nightmare Ancient Mummy at moc_prydn2 and turn in the quest to the cat again, which will bump your level a bit more, but not enough to get you to Base Lv 99 and Job Lv 70, so… Let's talk about the Bomi Set. Bomi Set While boosting with a High Merchant, I usually skip the Nightmare Pyramid Quests and go straight to the Bomi Set, since it is usable from Base Lv 1 onwards and allows me to begin leveling at mag_dun02 (or you can solo the Nightmare Pyramid Quests). Bomi Set has its name because it revolves around Bomi Card, an accessory card which allows you to use Napalm Vulcan Lv 4, a High Wizard Skill that deals Ghost Dmg in a Small AoE. The set can be used with a bunch of gears, but I'll elencate gears you can use since Base Lv 1: Spell Circuit [1] – OR – Celine’s Ribbon [1] Matk + 20 per 2 upgrade levels of the item. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, reduces the variable casting time of skills by 10%. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases the damage of Neutral and Shadow property magical attacks on targets by 10%. If upgrade level is +11 or higher, increases the damage of Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind property magical attacks on targets by 10%. Reduces the fixed casting time of skills by 0.1 second per upgrade level of the item past the upgrade level of 10 to a maximum upgrade level of 15. Craft using Spell Circuit Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – OR – Dex + 3 Matk + 40 Additional Matk + 7 per upgrade level of the item. Restores 200 HP to the user when a monster is killed by a magical attack. Drains 50 HP from the user every 5 seconds. [Can be enchanted with INT or Spell Enchants using Bloody Coins at @go 46] [Unable to use its combo from Base Lv1] Craft at @go 46 – Horror Toy Factory – WITH – Lichtern Green Card Matk + 10 Increases the damage of Ghost property magical attacks on targets by 5%. If upgrade level of the compounded item is +9 or higher, Increases the damage of Ghost property magical attacks on targets by an additional 5%. Battle Processor [1] Atk + 10, Matk + 10 [Can be enchanted with Ghost Magic DMG +14% using Battle Processor Accelerator from Special Tool Dealer] Drop from sp_rudus4 (both [0] and [1] are droppable, but only [1] can be enchanted. You can turn [0] into [1] using Spirit Auger - buy from Cash Shop using Cash Points / Moon Coins - and socketed at Eden HQ 2nd Floor) – WITH – Lichtern Green Card Matk + 10 Increases the damage of Ghost property magical attacks on targets by 5%. If upgrade level of the compounded item is +9 or higher, Increases the damage of Ghost property magical attacks on targets by an additional 5%. Young Tree Leaf of World Tree (ANY) The item itself has a lot of text, and when combined with the right Temporal Armor and Boots it gets a lot of bonus, but what truly matters here are the enchants. Aim for S.MATK Lv2 and MATK +5% Drop from Realized Amdarais (Old Glast Heim - Hard Instance) Enchanted with Enchant Ticket Robust Magical Armor [1] MATK + 50. MATK + 2% per 3 refine rates. If refined to +7 or higher, pierces 30% of magic DEF on Brute, Demon. If refined to +9 or higher, increases magic damage dealt to Brute, Demon by 10%. If refined to +11 or higher, increases magic damage dealt to Wind, Earth by 10%. When equipped with Temporal Int Boots[1] or Modified Int Boots[1], MATK + 10%. If the sum of refine rate is 21 or higher, Pierces additional 20% of magic DEF on Brute, Demon type monsters. Get from Instance Coin Shop – WITH – Sweet Nightmare Card Matk + 20 The user's casting cannot be interrupted RWC Memory Knife [1] – OR – RWC Memory Staff [1] Atk +20 and Matk +20 per 3 upgrade levels. If upgrade level is +6 or higher, Atk + 5% and Matk + 5%. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Atk + 5% and Matk + 5%. Adds a low chance of casting Level 1 Weapon Perfection on the user when performing a physical attack. Get from Lucky3 Slotmachine – OR – MATK + 30 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. If upgrade level is +6 or higher, MATK + 5% If upgrade level is +9 or higher, MATK + 5% Adds 0.5% chance of casting Level 1 Mystical Amplification on the user when performing a magical attack. Get from Lucky3 Slotmachine – WITH – Mutated White Knight Card Matk + 15. Increases magical damage against medium and large size enemies by 20%. When equipped with Mutated Khalitzburg Card, reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 5%. Mad Bunny [1] – OR – Purified Knight’s Shield [1] Atk + 5% Matk + 5% Reflects 10% of the received short-ranged damage back to the attacker. Adds a 10% chance of casting Level 8 Magic Mirror on the user when receiving a magical attack that lasts for 2 seconds. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Atk + 5 and Matk + 5 If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Additional Atk + 15 and Matk + 15 If upgrade level is +12 or higher, Crit + 10 and skill casting cannot be interrupted Craft (by chance) using Mad Bunny Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – OR – Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%. Reduces damage taken from all properties by 10%. When receiving damage, has a low chance to recovery 50 SP per second for 5 seconds. When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance to recovery 300 HP per second for 5 seconds. If refine rate is 7 or higher, ATK + 20, MATK + 20. If refine rate is 9 or higher, ASPD + 2. If refine rate is 12 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 5%. Craft using Cursed Knight’s Shield Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) and then purified (by chance) while enchanting the Cursed Knight’s Shield with Silver Angel Idol (from Special Tool Dealer) – WITH – Mutated Khalitzburg Knight Card Mdef + 10. Reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 25%. When equipped with Mutated White Knight Card, reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by additional 5%. Increases magical damage against medium and large size enemies by 5%. Fallen Angel Wings [1] All Stats +1 Atk + 1 for every 20 base Str. Matk + 1 for every 20 base Int. Aspd + 1% for every 20 base Agi. Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 1% for every 20 base Dex. Increases critical damage on targets by 1% for every 20 base Luk. Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% for every 20 base Vit. [Can be enchanted with Triple Spell at @go 47] Get from Lucky3 Slotmachine OR Craft using Fallen Angel Wing Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – WITH – Infinite Chimera Card (with Infinite Eclipse combo) MaxHP +8%, MaxSP +4% When equipped with shoes compounded with one of Infinite Toad Card, Infinite Vagabond Wolf Card, Infinite Eclipse or Infinite Vocal Card ATK + 10% and MATK + 10%. – OR – Eldest Card Increases ghost property magical damage by 10%, MaxSP - 25%. When equipped with Dame of Sentinel Card and the user's base level is 200 or higher, increases ghost property magical damage by additional 15% per 40 base Int. – OR – Cave Flower Card (not released - yet!) Reduces damage taken from neutral property by 15%. Increases ghost property magical damage by 3% per refine rate. When equipped with Wasted Primitive Rgan Card, reduces damage taken from neutral property by additional 5%. Union Boots/Shoes [1] – OR – Angel Poring Shoes [1] If base level is 100 or lower, increases EXP gained by 4%, STAT + 1 per 2 refine rate. Get from Spirit of Union (freebie from beginning a new character) – OR – All Stat +1. [Heal] Lv.1 Can be used. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop – WITH – Infinite Eclipse Card (with Infinite Chimera Combo) MaxHP + 300. Refined to +7, MaxHP + 300. Refined to +9, MaxHP + 400. – OR – Nightmare Verit Card Matk + 5% If upgrade level is +7 or higher, additional Matk + 3%. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, additional Matk + 2%. Chambered RWC 2012 Pendant [1] – AND – Sea Otter Mini Fan [1] Matk + 1% [Can be enchanted with 2x Spell 3 + INT] Get from Lucky3 Slotmachine (unchambered version), then socket and enchant it at Eden HQ 2nd Floor – AND – All Stat + 1, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%. [Can be enchanted with 2x MATK +3%] Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop – WITH – Bomi Card Enables Level 4 Napalm Vulcan – AND – Elvira Card Increases the damage of Wind and Ghost property magical attacks on targets by 20% Full Tempest Shadow Set Full Tempest Shadow Armor / Earring Ignores magical defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by 5%. Ignores magical defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10, increases magical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 3%. When equipped with Full Tempest Shadow Shoes / Pendant, Matk + 2%, if the sum of refine rate of set is 18 or higher, ignores magical defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by 100%. Full Tempest Shadow Shoes / Pendant Ignores magical defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by 5%. Ignores magical defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10, increases magical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 3%. Craft using Full Tempest Shadow Box (by chance) True Gemstone Shadow Set True Gemstone Shadow Armor / Earring Matk + 3%. Increases all property magical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 3%. When equipped with True Gemstone Shadow Shoes / Pendant, Matk + 2%, if the sum of refine rate of set is 18 or higher, negates gemstone consumption of skills, increases SP consumption of skills by 40%, if the sum of refine rate of set is 20 or higher, increases magical damage against all size enemies by 12%. True Gemstone Shadow Shoes / Pendant Matk + 3%. Increases all property magical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 3%. Craft using True Gemstone Shadow Box (by chance) Almighty Shadow Set For every refine level, increases all Stats by 1. [+20 All Stats when both are refined to +10] Get from Word Boss Shop OR Drop from MvP Ladder OR Random Item from Kachua Magical Spell Shadow Weapon SPL + 1 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, S.Matk + 3. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional S.Matk + 3. When equipped with Magical Spell Shadow Shield, S.Matk + 3. Get from Shadow Coupon / Random Shadow Box Gloom Under Night Pet When intimacy is Awkward or Shy, Matk + 10. When intimacy is Neutral, Matk + 20. When intimacy is Cordial, Matk + 30, increases ghost and fire property magical damage by 5%. When intimacy is Loyal, Matk + 40, increases ghost and fire property magical damage by 7%. This is my blueprint for the minimum Bomi Set with the highest exp gain I could achieve to one shot every mob at mag_dun02 since Base Lv 1 with no investment in stats, without consumables or buffs, except for Blessing an Agility Up from Healer: With this, you can stayat mag_dun02 until Base Lv 99 and Job Lv 70 and jobchange to Geneticist. It's important to use Job Exp Manual after you change job into Creator, so you can get both Base and Job Max Lv at the same time. As you level, focus on improving DEX to, at least, 80 points, then go for STR, again at least 80 points, and finally INT. When you begin to get skill points as a Creator, you have 2 options, depending on how you want to progress your booster: If you want to stay with Bomi Set until 3rd job, I suggest you put the skill points first into the homunculus skill tree and summon your homunculus (I like Vanilmirth, but it can be anyone), because the earlier you get your Dieter to Lv 131 (to be able to learn Pyroclast) the better! If you want to change your leveling process to Acid Demonstration (see below) to speed up your booster, you should aim at getting the skill as soon as possible. Base Lv 70 and Acid Demonstration (AD) Set If you want to speed up things (at a more costly price), you can change from Bomi Set to AD Set at Base Lv 70 (take note that you’ll need to be at least Job Lv 22 to be able to use AD Lv 1, but I suggest at least Lv 5 to guarantee the OHKO). With this set you can warp to ba_bath from Base Lv 70 onwards without fear and stay there until you reach Base Lv 99 and Job Lv 70 to Jobchange into Geneticist. Don’t forget to use a Wind Weapon or Elemental Converter Wind from Special Tool Dealer and, again, minimum AD Set possible with max exp gear to achieve OHKO! (your main issue here might be to achieve enough HIT to never miss). Of note, even with AD Set, DON’T FORGET TO GET YOUR HOMUNCULUS! The sooner you get your Dieter to Lv 131 the better! Fancy Feather Hat [1] Atk + 15 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases long range physical damage by 7%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, Atk + 5%, ASPD + 1. If refine rate is 11 or higher, adds an additional long range physical damage by 5%. Each refine rate above 10 will reduce fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to 15). Craft using Fancy Feather Hat Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – WITH – Purple Ferus Card Atk + 3%, MaxHp - 5%, MaxSP - 5%. Atk + 1% per 4 refine rate. When equipped with Gold Acidus Card, MaxHP + 4% and MaxSP + 4% per 4 refine rate of shoes. Battle Processor [1] Atk + 10, Matk + 10 [Can be enchanted with Ranged DMG +10% using Battle Processor Accelerator from Special Tool Dealer] Drop from sp_rudus4 (both [0] and [1] are droppable, but only [1] can be enchanted. You can turn [0] into [1] using Spirit Auger - buy from Cash Shop using Cash Points / Moon Coins - and socketed at Eden HQ 2nd Floor) – WITH – Furious Hero Card Atk + 2% Adds a 0.5% chance of Endure the user for 5 seconds when performing a short-ranged attack. – OR – Purple Ferus Card Atk + 3%, MaxHp - 5%, MaxSP - 5%. Atk + 1% per 4 refine rate. When equipped with Gold Acidus Card, MaxHP + 4% and MaxSP + 4% per 4 refine rate of shoes. Young Tree Leaf of World Tree (ANY) The item itself has a lot of text, and when combined with the right Temporal Armor and Boots it gets a lot of bonus, but what truly matters here are the enchants. Aim for P.ATK Lv2 and ATK +5% Drop from Realized Amdarais (Old Glast Heim - Hard Instance) Enchanted with Enchant Ticket Soaring Physical Armor [1] ATK + 50. ATK + 2% per 3 refine rates. If refined to +7 or higher, pierces 30% of physical DEF on Brute, Demon. If refined to +9 or higher, increases physical damage dealt to Brute, Demon by 10%. If refined to +11 or higher, increases physical damage dealt to Wind, Earth by 10%. When equipped with Temporal Str Boots[1]: ATK + 10%. If the sum of refine rate is 21 or higher, Pierces additional 20% of physical DEF on Brute, Demon type monsters. [Can be enchanted] Get from Instance Coin Shop OR Drop from EDDA Glast Heim – WITH – Dame of Sentinel Card Dex + 1 for every 18 base Vit Crimson Saber [2] ATK + (Upgrade Level * Upgrade Level) up to a maximum Upgrade Level of 15. If the user's base level is 70 or higher, For every 10 base levels, ATK + 5. Drop from Pasana – WITH – White Knight Card Atk + 15. Increases physical damage against medium and large size enemies by 20%. When equipped with Khalitzburg Card, reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 5%. – AND / OR – Enhanced Archer Skeleton Card Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 10%. If the users base level is 100 or higher, Increases long-ranged damage on targets by an additional 2% – AND / OR – Phreeoni Card Hit + 100 Mad Bunny [1] – OR – Purified Knight’s Shield [1] Atk + 5% Matk + 5% Reflects 10% of the received short-ranged damage back to the attacker. Adds a 10% chance of casting Level 8 Magic Mirror on the user when receiving a magical attack that lasts for 2 seconds. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Atk + 5 and Matk + 5 If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Additional Atk + 15 and Matk + 15 If upgrade level is +12 or higher, Crit + 10 and skill casting cannot be interrupted Craft (by chance) using Mad Bunny Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – OR – Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%. Reduces damage taken from all properties by 10%. When receiving damage, has a low chance to recovery 50 SP per second for 5 seconds. When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance to recovery 300 HP per second for 5 seconds. If refine rate is 7 or higher, ATK + 20, MATK + 20. If refine rate is 9 or higher, ASPD + 2. If refine rate is 12 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 5%. Craft using Cursed Knight’s Shield Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) and then purified (by chance) while enchanting the Cursed Knight’s Shield with Silver Angel Idol (from Special Tool Dealer) – WITH – Khalitzburg Knight Card Mdef + 10. Reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 25%. When equipped with White Knight Card, reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by additional 5%. Increases physical damage against medium and large size enemies by 5%. Fallen Angel Wings [1] All Stats +1 Atk + 1 for every 20 base Str. Matk + 1 for every 20 base Int. Aspd + 1% for every 20 base Agi. Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 1% for every 20 base Dex. Increases critical damage on targets by 1% for every 20 base Luk. Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% for every 20 base Vit. [Can be enchanted with Triple Expert Archer at @go 47] Get from Lucky3 Slotmachine OR Craft using Fallen Angel Wing Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – WITH – Empathizer Card Increases long ranged physical damage by 10%, MaxSP - 25%. When equipped with Dame of Sentinel Card increases long ranged physical damage by additional 15% per 40 base Dex. Union Boots/Shoes [1] – OR – Angel Poring Shoes [1] If base level is 100 or lower, increases EXP gained by 4%, STAT + 1 per 2 refine rate. Get from Spirit of Union (freebie from beginning a new character) – OR – All Stat +1. [Heal] Lv.1 Can be used. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop – WITH – Blut Hase Card Atk + 3% Increases ranged physical damage on targets by 5% –OR – Arena Blut Hase Card Atk + 5%. Increases long ranged physical damage by 7% Chambered RWC 2012 Ring[1] – AND / OR – Sea Otter Mini Fan [1] – AND/OR – Red Force Pendant [1] / Blue Mental Pendant [1] Atk + 1% [Can be enchanted with 2x Fighting Spirit 3 + DEX] Get from Lucky3 Slotmachine (unchambered version), then socket and enchant it at Eden HQ 2nd Floor – AND / OR – All Stat + 1, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%. [Can be enchanted with 2x ATK +3%] Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop – AND/OR – Atk + 5%, Matk + 5%. [Can be enchanted with 2x ATK +3%] Get Thanatos’ Necklace [0] from Temple of the Demon God Instance and Enchant it with Pendant Gemstone (from Special Tool Dealer) for a chance to get Red Force or Blue Mental Pendant – WITH – Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card Agi + 7 and Hit + 7 When combined with Revolver Buffalo Card: Str + 3 and Atk + 3% – AND – Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card Str + 4 and Atk% + 4 Maximum Mammoth Shadow Set Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor / Earring Atk + 3%. Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, MaxHP + 3%. When equipped with Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes / Pendant, Atk + 2%, if the sum of refine rate of set is 18 or higher, grants immunity to knock-back. if the sum of refine rate of set is 20 or higher, increases physical damage against all property enemies by 12%. Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes / Pendant Atk + 3%. Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, MaxHP + 3%. Craft using Maximum Mammoth Shadow Box (by chance) Full Penetration Shadow Set Full Penetration Shadow Armor / Earring Ignores defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by 5%. Ignores defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10, increases physical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 3%. When equipped with Full Penetration Shadow Shoes, Atk + 2%, if the sum of refine rate of set is 18 or higher, ignores defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by 100%. Full Penetration Shadow Shoes / Pendant Ignores defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by 5%. Ignores defense rate of all race monsters (except players) by additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10, increases physical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 3%. Craft using Full Penetration Shadow Box (by chance) Almighty Shadow Set For every refine level, increases all Stats by 1. [+20 All Stats when both are refined to +10] Get from Word Boss Shop OR Drop from MvP Ladder OR Random Item from Kachua Physical Power Shadow Weapon POW+ 1 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, P.Atk + 3. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional P.Atk + 3. When equipped with Physical Power Shadow Shield, P.Atk + 3. Get from Shadow Coupon / Random Shadow Box Orc Hero Egg When intimacy is Awkward or Shy, Atk + 1%. When intimacy is Neutral, Atk + 2%. When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 4%, increases critical damage by 1%. When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 7%, increases critical damage by 3%. This is my Blueprint with Max EXP Gear able to OHKO mobs at ba_bath at Base Lv 70 with no consumables and no buffs (except for Blessing and Agility Up from healer): Base Lv 100-200: The 3rd Job Pain The first part of the Pain Trial: 100-175 Right now you are Base Lv 100 and Job Lv 1. You can stick to Bomi Set and mag_dun02 or AD Set and ba_bath until you get Cart Cannon Lv 1 (Job Lv 4) and then begin the Cart Cannon Massacre at ba_bath! Grab some Thunder Cannon Ball, change your gears and stats and let's head (back) into ba_bath. From now on, I’ll elencate MY Cart Cannon Build (it can be better than this!), and from each Level Checkpoint I’ll just show you what you should change. Be aware though that in the beginning I won’t OHKO the mobs with the Cart Cannon, but if you want to keep the OHKO build, I suggest you keep the AD Set until you feel more comfortable. Base Lv 100: +12 Fancy Feather Hat [1] Atk + 15 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases long range physical damage by 7%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, Atk + 5%, ASPD + 1. If refine rate is 11 or higher, adds an additional long range physical damage by 5%. Each refine rate above 10 will reduce fixed casting time by 0.1 second (up to 15). Craft using Fancy Feather Hat Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – WITH – Purple Ferus Card Atk + 3%, MaxHp - 5%, MaxSP - 5%. Atk + 1% per 4 refine rate. When equipped with Gold Acidus Card, MaxHP + 4% and MaxSP + 4% per 4 refine rate of shoes. Exp Advisor [1] Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 1%. [Can be enchanted with further +14% EXP from killing monsters] Get from Booster Coin Shop – WITH – Furious Hero Card Atk + 2% Adds a 0.5% chance of Endure the user for 5 seconds when performing a short-ranged attack. Happy Balloon Increases the experience given from monsters by 5%. Increases the drop rate of items by 10%. Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop +10 Attacker Booster Plate [1] ATK + 100 Reduces after cast delay by 5%. For every 2 refine levels, increases ATK + 1%. For every 3 refine levels, increases Critical Damage 1%. If refined to +7, increases ATK + 50. If refined to +9, decreases after cast delay by an additional 5%. Get from Booster Armor Voucher → Attacker Booster Box Refine with Booster Armor Upgrade Package – WITH – Dame of Sentinel Card Dex + 1 for every 18 base Vit +13 Acid Cannon Booster Club Atk + 2%. Atk + 3 per refine rate. Atk + 3 per 15 base level (up to level 195). If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 2% per each level of Potion Research user learned. If refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%, increases Acid Bomb and Cart Cannon damage by 25%. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cool time by 10%, increases physical damage against all size enemies by 20%. If refine rate is 13 or higher, increases Acid Bomb and Cart Cannon damage by additional 15%. Get from Booster Weapon Voucher (Base Lv100 Booster Box OR buy from Booster Coin Shop) Refine with Booster Weapon Tier 3 Upgrade Package (I suggest you buy it from Booster Coin Shop if it is your first Booster) Enchant with Booster Modification Stone (Physical) from Booster Coin Shop +12 Mad Bunny [1] Atk + 5% Matk + 5% Reflects 10% of the received short-ranged damage back to the attacker. Adds a 10% chance of casting Level 8 Magic Mirror on the user when receiving a magical attack that lasts for 2 seconds. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Atk + 5 and Matk + 5 If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Additional Atk + 15 and Matk + 15 If upgrade level is +12 or higher, Crit + 10 and skill casting cannot be interrupted Craft (by chance) using Mad Bunny Combination Scroll (from Mysterious Combination Bundle - MvP Drop) – WITH – Khalitzburg Knight Card Mdef + 10. Reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 25%. When equipped with White Knight Card, reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by additional 5%. Increases physical damage against medium and large size enemies by 5%. +12 Temporal STR Manteau [1] Atk + 10 and Atk + 1% per 2 refine rate. Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 5% per 4 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, additional Atk + 7%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, ignores physical and magical defense of brute and demon race monsters by 20%. If refine rate is 11 or higher, ignores physical and magical defense of brute and demon race monsters by additional 10%. When equipped with Temporal Str Boots [1], Atk + 50, if refine rate of boots is 10 or higher, ignores physical and magical defense of brute and demon race monsters by 30%. Enchant: -15% After Cast Delay (it can be +6% ATK) Get from Instance Coin Shop OR Drop from EDDA Glast Heim Enchant with Unsealed Time Key from Instance Coin Shop – WITH – Empathizer Card Increases long ranged physical damage by 10%, MaxSP - 25%. When equipped with Dame of Sentinel Card increases long ranged physical damage by additional 15% per 40 base Dex. +12 Temporal STR Boots [1] Max HP + 300 Additional Max HP + 100 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. Max SP + 30 Additional Max SP + 10 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. Atk + 7 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. If the users base Str is 120 or higher, Additional Atk + 50 Enchant: Expert Archer 4 and Bear’s Power Craft and Enchant at @go 46 Old Glast Heim NPC – WITH – Blut Hase Card Atk + 3% Increases ranged physical damage on targets by 5% 2x Sea Otter Mini Fan [1] All Stat + 1, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 5%. Enchant: +3% ATK (in each Accessory) Get from Monster Hunter Coin Shop – WITH – 2x Bath Manager Int + 3. MaxHP + 10%, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 10%. When equipped with Powerful Archer Skeleton Card and Greater Papila Card, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 20%, increases Cart Cannon damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of shoes and increases Spore Explosion damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of weapon. +10 Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor-Shoes Set +10 Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor Atk + 3%. Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, MaxHP + 3%. When equipped with Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes / Pendant, Atk + 2%, if the sum of refine rate of set is 18 or higher, grants immunity to knock-back. if the sum of refine rate of set is 20 or higher, increases physical damage against all property enemies by 12%. Enchant: +3% ATK +10 Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes Atk + 3%. Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, MaxHP + 3%. Enchant: +3% ATK Craft using Maximum Mammoth Shadow Box (by chance) +10 Almighty Shadow Set For every refine level, increases all Stats by 1. [+20 All Stats when both are refined to +10] Enchant: +3% ATK (in each Accessory) Get from Word Boss Shop OR Drop from MvP Ladder OR Random Item from Kachua +10 Physical Power Shadow Weapon POW+ 1 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, P.Atk + 3. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional P.Atk + 3. When equipped with Physical Power Shadow Shield, P.Atk + 3. Enchant: +3% ATK Get from Shadow Coupon / Random Shadow Box +10 Experience Shadow Shield If base level is lower than 175, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 20%. If base level is 175 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 10%. Increases EXP gained from killing monsters by additional 1% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 10 or higher, increases EXP gained from killing monsters by additional 5% Enchant: +3% ATK Craft from Experience Shadow Box OR Get from Shadow Coupon / Random Shadow Box OR Drop from MvP Ladder Experience Costume Stone (Upper), (Middle) and (Lower) The Full Set gives +9% Exp from killing mobs Get from Costume Enchant Box (by chance) Geneticist Stone I (Garment) Increase damage of Cart Cannon by 10%. When equipped with Biochemist Stone(Upper), increase damage of Cart Cannon by additional 15%. When equipped with Biochemist Stone(Middle), reduce skill cooltime of Mandragora Howl by 3 sec. When equipped with Biochemist Stone(Lower), increase ranged physical damage by 5%. Get from Class Enchantment Box (by chance) which drops from mobs at lhz_dun_n Orc Hero Egg When intimacy is Awkward or Shy, Atk + 1%. When intimacy is Neutral, Atk + 2%. When intimacy is Cordial, Atk + 4%, increases critical damage by 1%. When intimacy is Loyal, Atk + 7%, increases critical damage by 3%. At ba_bath you’ll OHKO all mobs with this set using the Thunder CannonBall. Once you reach Base Lv 110, warp to sp_rudus3. Here you can use fire, wind, water or earth cannon balls for higher damage (although it won't be that much higher than Iron Cannon Ball). With the set above, you WON’T OHKO right now, but with 2-3 Cart Cannons all mobs die. If you want to improve damage, you’ll need to give up some experience, mainly from the Costume Stones, where you can put: Creator Stone (Upper) ATK +2 per 1 skill level of Potion Research learned With Geneticist Stone I (Garment): increase damage of Cart Cannon by additional 15% Get from Class Enchantment Box (by chance) which drops from mobs at lhz_dun_n Genetic Stone (Middle) Reduces variable casting time by 2% per each level of Cart Remodeling user learned. With Genetic Stone I (Garment): increases Cart Cannon damage by 15%. Get from Class Enchantment Box (by chance) which drops from mobs at lhz_dun_n Creator Stone (Lower) Increase damage of Acid Terror by 20%. With enetic Stone I (Garment): increase ranged physical damage by 5%. Get from Class Enchantment Box (by chance) which drops from mobs at lhz_dun_n At Base Lv 130 you can change your armor for Illusion Armor (I usually change it) and your accessories to Illusion Booster R and L (I don’t change my accessories): +9 Illusion Armor Type A Atk +100. Additional Atk +10 per 2 upgrade levels of the item. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Aspd +10% If equipped with Illusion Engine Wing Type A, Atk +50 If equipped with Illusion Engine Wing Type B, Reduces the global delay of skills by -10%. Enchant: Modification (After Cast Delay) and 2x Modification (Power) Craft at @go 46 Episode 17.1 Illusion OS NPC Enchant using Modules you get from the same NPC – WITH – Dame of Sentinel Card Dex + 1 for every 18 base Vit Illusion Booster R and L ATK +5% Enchant: Delay After Attack 4, Expert Archer 5 and Spell 5 Craft and Enchant at @go 46 Episode 17.1 Illusion OS NPC – WITH – 2x Bath Manager Int + 3. MaxHP + 10%, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 10%. When equipped with Powerful Archer Skeleton Card and Greater Papila Card, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 20%, increases Cart Cannon damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of shoes and increases Spore Explosion damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of weapon. At Base Lv 150, I suggest changing the map to tur_d04_i (Illusion of Abyss). You’ll get essentially the same amount of experience per mob in a crowded place where you can also get the quest from Illusion Dailies at Eden HQ, changing back to sp_rudus3 at Base Lv 158. You can also change your Accessory at Base Lv 150 (I usually maintain my gears the same from Base Lv 130 at this point, change only if you need more power): King Schmidt’s Strong Insignia [1] Atk + 10%. When equipped with King Schmidt's Suit and King Schmidt's Manteau, Atk + 25, Hit + 10. Enchant: Strong, Expert Archer 5 and Dex +5 Craft and Enchant at @go 46 EDDA Fall of Glast Heim NPCs – WITH – Bath Manager Int + 3. MaxHP + 10%, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 10%. When equipped with Powerful Archer Skeleton Card and Greater Papila Card, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 20%, increases Cart Cannon damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of shoes and increases Spore Explosion damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of weapon. At Base Lv 160 things get more interesting, since you will be able to use Mad Bunny-LT and the Automatic Gears (Armor and Accessory Right, the Left accessory is best to maintain King Schmidt if you're aiming for more power). From here onwards you are able to OHKO the mobs using a full Exp Gear set and the mobs at sp_rudus3 will be granting you full exp (no penalty). Here I change my armor and shield, but I don’t change my accessory (again, I like to prioritize exp gain). And also, by now, your Dieter might be close to (or already reached) Lv 131, so BEGIN USING PYROCLAST FOR A GREAT DAMAGE BOOST!! +12 Mad Bunny-LT (Grade A) [1] Atk + 5%, Matk + 5%. ASPD + 3. Atk + 2% and Matk + 2% per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 5%), reduces variable casting time by 5%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 7%, increases all property magical damage by 7%. If refine rate is 12 or higher, skill casting can't be interrupted, Cri + 15. [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Reduces physical and magical damage taken from all property enemies by 10%. [Grade C] POW + 2, SPL + 2. [Grade B] S.Matk + 2, P.Atk + 2. [Grade A] Reduces global cool time by 5%. Enchant: Delay After Skill 3 Craft at @go 46 Instance Coin Shop Enchant at @go 46 Enchanting UI NPC – WITH – Khalitzburg Knight Card Mdef + 10. Reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 25%. When equipped with White Knight Card, reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by additional 5%. Increases physical damage against medium and large size enemies by 5%. +12 Automatic Armor A-Type [1] Atk + 125. Atk + 10 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 15%). When equipped with Automatic Engine wing A-type, Atk + 50. When equipped with Automatic Engine wing B-type, reduces global cool time by 10%. Enchant: Automatic Module (Range Force) and 2x Automatic Module (Attack Power) Craft at @go 46 Automatic Doll NPC Enchant using Automatic Modules (get from 17.2 Instances) – WITH – Dame of Sentinel Card Dex + 1 for every 18 base Vit Automatic Booster R [1] ATK + 5%, MHP + 5% Enchant: Automatic Module (Expert Archer), Automatic Module (Attack Speed) and Automatic Module (All Force) Craft at @go 46 Automatic Doll NPC Enchant using Automatic Modules (get from 17.2 Instances) – WITH – Bath Manager Int + 3. MaxHP + 10%, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 10%. When equipped with Powerful Archer Skeleton Card and Greater Papila Card, increases Cart Cannon and Spore Explosion damage by 20%, increases Cart Cannon damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of shoes and increases Spore Explosion damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of weapon. At Base Lv 170, change your gears for the last time (yes, there won’t need to be changed again until Base Lv 230), then go to Eden HQ and talk to Illusion Daily NPC, choose and accept to begin the Illusion Labyrinth Quest then head to prt_mz03_i, kill 100 mobs and go back to the NPC to claim the reward. It won't be enough to level much, but go back to that map and kill everything until Base Lv 175. Here are the changes you should make at Base Lv 170: +12 Taurus Diadem [1] Atk + 20 per 2 refine rate. If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). If refine rate is 9 or higher, increase long ranged physical damage by 15%. If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases physical damage against all size enemies by 10%. When equipped with Coolant Injection, increase long ranged physical damage by 10%, increases Cart Cannon damage by 10% per refine rate of weapon. When equipped with Gene Rod, increases Physical damage against all size enemies by 10%, increases Crazy Vines damage by 10% per refine rate of weapon. When equipped with Estal, increases physical damage against all size enemies by 10%, increases Spore Explosion damage by 10% per refine rate of weapon. Drop from mobs at lhz_dun_n – WITH – Purple Ferus Card Atk + 3%, MaxHp - 5%, MaxSP - 5%. Atk + 1% per 4 refine rate. When equipped with Gold Acidus Card, MaxHP + 4% and MaxSP + 4% per 4 refine rate of shoes. +15 Coolant Injection [1] Can't be destroyed, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%. Atk + 1% per refine rate. If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Cart Cannon damage by 25%. If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 15%. Enchant: Flamel’s Memory and Expert Archer 3 Get from Experimental Weapon Box (by chance) from EDDA BioLab Instance Enchant at @go 46 EDDA BioLab NPC – WITH – White Knight Card Atk + 15. Increases physical damage against medium and large size enemies by 20%. When equipped with Khalitzburg Card, reduces physical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 5%. – AND – Enhanced Archer Skeleton Card Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 10%. If the users base level is 100 or higher, Increases long-ranged damage on targets by an additional 2% +12 Temporal STR Boots [1] Max HP + 300 Additional Max HP + 100 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. Max SP + 30 Additional Max SP + 10 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. Atk + 7 per 3 upgrade levels of the item. If the users base Str is 120 or higher, Additional Atk + 50 Enchant: Expert Archer 4 and Bear’s Power Craft and Enchant at @go 46 Old Glast Heim NPC – WITH – Greater Papila Card Luk + 2. MaxHP + 10%, MaxSP + 10%. Increases Cart Revolution damage by 50% And my final Blueprint, which I maintain from Base Lv 170 until 230: Grinding more and more: the Road to Base Lv 200! Now things get slower than ever (for me, the grinding from Base Lv 175 to 200 is the worst part of the Booster Challenge). At Base Lv 175, you are able to warp to mag_dun03 to keep leveling (use Ice Cannon Ball) – Don't forget to accept the board quest from Eden HQ for Lv 175+, so you can get a (tiny) bit of extra experience from mag_dun03 – or go straight to tha_11 (use Stone Cannon Ball). At Base Lv 184, you can change to ba_pw03 (get the quests from 130-190 at Eden HQ for that extra bit of experience) and use any Basic Element Cannon Ball (fire, earth, wind or water) or stay at tha_t11. At Base Lv 190 it can be interesting to change (back) to tha_t11. Both ba_pw03 and tha_t11 are great places to level until you reach Base Lv 200. During the process to level from 175 to 200, you can also take the 175+ Board Quests, although I really think it is slower than the methods above (unless you are on a party and able to finish the quests really quickly). Base Lv 200-230: Almost there! The last 30 Levels! You reached Base Lv 200 and Job Lv 70, now go to Office to talk to the Jobchanger one last time. And now you are now a Biolo! There isn't much to be happy about though, Biolo skills don't add much to your leveling. You will still stick with Cart Cannon, the only addition is Wooden Warrior, that essentially doubles Cart Cannon damage. Warp to nif_dun01 (but first pick the quests from Eden HQ board Lv 200+ and the Booster Quest from Secretary Lime Evenor) and kill everything until you're Base Lv 230 (really, it is "just" that). I can't believe it! You survived did it! Congratulations!! You finished the Booster Challenge with a Geneticist/Biolo! Go grab your MvP Card Album with Seasonal Booster NPC at Eden HQ and your extra drop rate from Belinda at Office.