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Found 2 results

  1. Meme Time

    You guys guessed it. Its that time of the month again. With the new Job 4 patch out with all the spice coming from Purgatory, GA, costume caches, and even the bounty expansion maps, let's take a look at how you guys have been coping with the pain and suffering that is experiencing Job 4 (in English!) State your: IGN Server Title You can only submit one entry, but you can change it until the deadline and edit the screenshot you have already posted. Be unique and have your own jokes, don't copy and re-edit after seeing other posts here. You will be disqualified. If you, for some reason, would like it to be displayed as a loading screen, please follow the rules for them in the spoiler below. I will question why, but who I to judge. Don't forget to add the SMRO logo if you're going all out. LOADING SCREEN CONDITIONS SMRO HD LOGO SUBMISSION EXAMPLE WINNER(S) There can be up to 3 winners Custom Title : Meme Review | Bonus Meme | Meme-r | Bruh 200x Event Coins 20x Specialslots Costume Rooster's Comb (19517) & Costume Chicken Beak (19513) PARTICIPANTS 50x Event Coins Costume Kindergarten's Hat (20281) 5x Specialslots END DATE : SEPTEMBER 30 2021 Note : Feel free to react to the submission you like the most The Staff members are not allowed to be the winner of the event. They are however allowed to submit their work for the event and are only eligible for participation reward.
  2. Give Me Your Memes Why hello there! What ya giggling about? WHAT’S SO FUNNY!?!?! TELL ME!!!11!11! WE would like to see the different memes you guys have come up with or can come up with related to SMRO! Don’t hide them, we know you got some good ones. Any is acceptable, as long as it’s related to SMRO and obviously SFW. Be it art, video, text, comic strip, whatever you can think of, etc etc and if they haven’t died, they lived happily ever after. (Preferably new ones and not old ones from last year) Conditions: State your In Game Name, Realm and Title of your Meme. (Follow the below example) You can only submit one entry, you can change it until the deadline and edit the screenshot you have already posted. Be unique and have your own jokes, don't copy and re-edit after seeing other posts here. You will be disqualified. If you, for some reason, would like it to be displayed as a loading screen, please follow the rules for them in the spoiler below: (IT'S NOT A MUST) Example of submitting: In Game Name: Elek Realm: Helheim Title: Why hello there! Kindergarten time! Or an other better Meme example: Rewards: Winner (There can be up to 3 winners): Custom Title : Meme Review | Bonus Meme | Meme-r 200x Event Coins 20x Specialslots Costume of their choice (Costume 20063 or Costume 20064) Participants: 50x Event Coins Costume Kindergarten's Hat (20281) 5x Specialslots Note: Feel free to react to the meme you like the most. The Staff members are not allowed to be the winner of the event. They are however allowed to submit their Work for the event and are only eligible for participation reward.