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2024 Glacier and Snow Flower Equipments Beginner Guide (Eps.19-21 leaks as well)
Veeshadow posted a topic in Exclusive Guides
INTRO Despite I start on Shining Moon at 2024, I have experience from other private servers and quitting from official server iRO. Surprisingly, I can get Glacier and Snow Flower faster in this server lol. So I feel like to share what I know. As disclaimer, this guide is more suitable for Rate 100x first char (not 1x/booster) and Helheim server (which you can cheat the progression by farming zeny and buy the materials from Vendors). Also the enchant lists can be viewed on hazyforest and divine pride website, including in-game UI itself. HOW TO OBTAIN Glacier and Snow Flower equipments can be accessed on @go 46 then go to southeast Episode 19 NPC. The Dim Glacier Weapon Farming guide can be used together to obtain mats needed for everything. If you want to farm Snow Flower from daily quests, these are mats you can farm as well: Low-quality Rgan Magic Core : Common drops when you farm Dim Glacier Weapon and its extract. Thin Tough Shell : Common drop from Ice Straw at jor_back1. Various Feathers : Go to Hazy Forest Instance and beat all Parus you meet. He drops 2 kind of Feathers you can submit for Daily Quests. 1 run of this instance should stock 1 week worth daily quests. Glacier Weapon Enchant Materials Slot 4: 50x Snowflower Gem (type @ws 1000812) Slot 3: 25x Snowflower Gem, 35x Shining Snowflower Gem (@ws 1000813) Slot 2: 25x each of Snowflower Gem, Shining Snowflower Gem, and Briliant Snowflower Gem (@ws 1000814) Slot 1: 25x Snowflower Gem, 35x Shining Snowflower Gem, and 50x Briliant Snowflower Gem Before farming Dim Glacier weapons and its enchant mats make sure to get +9 Glacier Weapon full enchants and use Earth Armor Scroll from Hunter Coins. Do not overspend Hunter Coins as your newbie journey. Snow Flower enchant materials Buying each part cost 100x Snow Flower (@ws 1000608), you will get random enchant stones by spending 35x Snow Flower at Vellgunde. You can melt 3x unwanted enchant stones to 1x random enchant stones. For efficiency spend Snow Flower first for random enchant stones before buying missed enchants from Vendors. Usually the stones that not obtained are def/mdef ones so if you are not making Armor you can use any enchant beside def/mdef. You can vend some of enchant stones after you are done with your desired enchants (the Armor part is not in demand that much so prioritize selling stones that usable on other parts) Why use Glacier and Snow Flower? Although these equipments are not endgame goal, you can basically jump your gear progression from whatever you wear below lv 210 into Glacier and Snow Flower set then continue to your endgame gear. My gear progression is basically freebies Rental Weapon (lv 1-100) -> Advanced Eden (lv 100) -> Grace (lv 150) -> Snow Flower (lv 210) -> Endgame lv 240+ (Nebula, Dim Glacier weapon, etc). Even on kRO which have more new gears, Snow Flower is still be advised to keep with these reasons : Lv 210 requirement, means you can use them for 1x/Booster/alts if needed. +9 Glacier Weapon is easy to make and you can refine without any Blacksmith Blessing (BSB). Enchant options can be used for multiple classes/alts with same type (physical/magic). No grade needed. You only need to gamble to +11 once per part with BSB. Some players will argue to stop at +9 but going for +11 is not useless either for me. If anything, I will go for +11 Garment only since Armor can be skipped and Shoes doesn't give you offensive stats. To this day, I still use +11 Snow Flower Muffler because new episode will introduce new Garments and I gotta gear up for every other parts except Garment. So unless you get FOMO, Garment should be last piece of endgame equipment you need. You can totally skip Armor part since you can jump directly to Nebula armor on lv 240. With Nebula, Glacier, and Snow Flower, they are equipments you can use for a while that give you great DPS and great utilities for support (VCT/FCT/ACD/ASPD/Def/Res/Mdef/Mres). For Critical builds (skills that can crit), the pair of Accesories give +30 crit total that doesn't exist in other episodic equipments (Eps.20 Glacier, Dim Glacier). Only Gaebolg accessories (Episode 21) that can give crit and other VCT/ACD enchants but they also require lv 230+ to equip (not equipable for 1x/boosters) and harder mats to craft. For Support/Tank builds, Defense and Magic Defense enchants might be useful for you. But these enchants are rare and most expensive on Vendors. FCT/VCT/ACD/ASPD options are also useful. Combined with Recommendation Cardinal Gears (shadow equip/costume parts), you should able to reach instant cast and close to 100% ACD with their enchants. Support/Tank however, need Armor part with ACD enchant in this manner. You can either have budget enchants (+9 only, not using def/mdef if other options allow it) or full enchants (+11 and def/mdef on armor/garment/shoes). Budget enchants are enough to give stats while saving zeny for your endgame equipments refine/grade process. For Accessories, endgame equip for these requires so many RNG/luck to obtain best enchants. For my character, I have not got enchants for Stellar Seal Power or Venom Magic Ring that can surpass the damage from pair of Snow Flower Accessories with their best enchants (total 29% for both crit and melee damage with +30 crit rate). So it's good to have both Snow Flower Accessories to wear for a long time. Preview for episode 20-21 equips. I only preview the equips I know so there might be some better equips out there but did not implemented to other servers or not popular enough. Glacier Set This is just Snow Flower V2.0 like Noblesse/Imperial/Grace in the past. They have advantage for their enchants not being randomized with enchant lists very similar to Snow Flower parts (except accessories). There is also a Shield for this set which other episodic equip set doesn't offer you a Shield (easier to get 100% VCT here). They also have Grade D and C bonus (more stats than Snow Flower) that easier to get them since you only need +10 to Grade and don't need BSB. However, they need level 230 to equip which can't be used by 1x/Boosters. Cat Whiskers, the new currency for buying these equips are also less sources than Snow Flower. So if you are new player that start this game with this set implemented, you can get this set if you don't plan to make 1x/Boosters. Otherwise Snow Flower is still preferred despite the enchants are random to get. Dim Glacier Set Even more advanced sets with same lv 230 requirement. Unlike the Glacier set, there are fixed effects on each part and the enchants are just adding atk/def/matk/mdef which means the enchants can be ignored and you still get 80% of their effects. There are also full set effect with existing Dim Glacier Weapon. However the main challenge is you need to Grade A for full effect without enchants and it can be a waste of zeny given there is upcoming Nebula set combo as well. So this set is typically only good on kRO players itself when Nebula sets are account bound and Dim Glacier Weapons are one of best existing weapons. Time Dimensions Weapon and Crown Obtained from new Biosphere dungeon, this set is good if you are not using Dim Glacier Weapons. The weapon alone is quite popular Vended on other server I played and can be used as standalone Weapon. The enchants for weapon are secondary, meaning even without enchants you can still enjoy 90% of its effect (but needs Grade A). Since the enchants only boost damage for element/size/race inside Biosphere, Gravity expect you to have 5 copies of weapon with each enchants to farm Biosphere further without Grade and make 1 main copy with Grade A for general use. I can't say which one is better between Dim Glacier and Dim Biosphere, but the major difference I can say is Dim Glacier has VCT and ACD enchant that not existing on Dim Biosphere so you can take notes on that. The crown part works similarly like Good and Evil set but no Shoes on the set yet... Additionally, there is Furious set that barely talked on other server so I assume this set is worse than Time Dimensions set (but might be comparable to Good and Evil Set) Nebula Expansion Set I don't find much info for this set. You will get new garments and enchants that give set effects with Nebula armor. The Right Accessories will also get update with 2nd slot enchant (currently only slot 3 and 4) and Left Accessories as well. Nebula set suffers same problem with the Armor : Enchanting is random and getting highest level of enchant has low% chance. Quick preview on 4 pieces Nebula set : 1. Nebula (Armor) : already existing in smRO. You'll need pow3/spl3/con3 etc to combo with Left Acc. 2. Stellar Seal (Right Acc) : already existing in smRO. But Stellar Seal open 2nd slot enchant which is selectable so you want to have enchants you wish for 3rd and 4th slot. Have set effect with Left Acc 3. Garment : new 4 Garments with focusing Melee Physical, Ranged Physical, Magic, and Critical Damage. Enchants are fixed (no fancy stats like VCT/ACD/Crit/Aspd) but have set effect with Left Acc. This Garment has 5-10% VCT and 5-10% ACD (different on each equip) 4. Left Acc : Combo Set with other 3 pieces. It has combo enchant with pow3/spl3 from Nebula Armor and extra sets effect each with Garment and Right Acc. The sets have 10% VCT and 10% ACD total. Gaebolg Set New episode 21 equipment set. You will need to farm new currency and some past currency like Amethyst Fragment, Snow Flower, and Cat Whiskers can be used to convert for new materials to enchant them. So you can pre-farm Amethyst and Snow Flower as current Shining Moon server state. Gaebolg set give some good effects and selectable enchants (not random) that have better value than Snow Flower and Glacier. Arguably for support/tank classes who need VCT/ACD (FCT reduction still stuck for 1s FCT), there are many of them in this set that can strip your shadow/costume equipments that gives such stats and switch to other costume enchants/shadow equipments instead. But once again, they need Grade A and can't be used for 1x/Boosters. With existence of Nebula, Time Dimensions, or Biosphere equipments, only new players will invest them. Few equipment parts like Both Accessories and Shoes can use this set as standalone effect and comparable to other endgame equips.-
- 2024
- episode 20
(and 2 more)
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