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Found 2 results

  1. In this guide, I'll be going through two very recent instances, and their respective equipment, some of which are still very sought after. Let's get to it! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edda: Fall of Glast Heim ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edda: Biolab Enjoy, and if you have any questions or suggestions, whatsoever, ask away. You can also contact me: In game: Sir Richard or Selena Fluorspar Discord: Shining Moon RO's official discord, and '§¤ RicharÐ ¤§-#4215
  2. I know that the server currently doesn't have the feature to enchant the 'old 3rd class' headgears. There are many other itens and customs that are incredibly powerful, so i don't think the balancing is the only issue. The feature in question already exists in iRO for awhile So why is it not available? Is there any viability of implementing those? OBS: for knowledge reference, iROwiki regarding Nightmare Biolab Enchants: https://irowiki.org/wiki/Nightmare_Biolabs_Headgear_Quests