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Everything posted by Valkyriey

  1. Hi Everyone, I have a few questions and I'd like for you to keep a few things in mind. 1. I started my first account and first character less than 2 weeks ago and it's my first time on Shining Moon. 2. My knowledge of gear, weapons, Shadow gear, and cards is from pre 4th Job. I know next to nothing on currently available content (4th job release to current day). My knowledge from prior to 4h Job release is fair and definitely not total knowledge, primarily from Official and NovaRO. So please do not automatically assume that I know or should know something, because I probably don't. 3. My favorite build is the AgiCrit AA Autocaster. I fell in love with Autocasting when I first heard about it years ago. I had a devastating Royal Guard AgiCrit AA Reflecting Autocaster back before Rebalance and quit when, in my eyes, the Royal Guard was destroyed by Rebalance. With Rebalance killing the Royal Guard, I changed over to the Rune Knight, and that's where I am today, using the Rune Knight. With this build being my favorite, please don't try to convince me to use another build. I don't plan on being the strongest on the server. I just want a solid character and to have a blast. 4. I plan on resetting my character in the future to be a 1x/1x after I get all the appropriate gear for each stage of her development. With that in mind, the Boosted Ignition 2-handed is VERY appealing with Autocatsing both Ignition Break and Sonic Wave. So with that out of the way, I come to the community asking for guidance concerning weapons, gear, cards, shadow gear, and what ever else you see fit to advise me on for this build. There isn't a present day guide that I've seen for this particular build. My character is still in her infancy. She is currently level 157 with full +4 Illusion Set due to being the first character and having very little Zeny. I currently have only 15m but I have stuff for sale that could get me a 200-300 million. Since she is an Autocaster, I'm also looking for Auto Healing. I'm currently saving for a +9 Vanargrand Helm to help with healing in addition to my Hunter Fly Card. Oh, and do cards stack? For example, would 2 Immortal Cursed Knight cards or 2 Hunter Fly cards work together thus improving proc chance? On some servers they do, others do not. I'm also currently trying to get my Physical Enhancer Rings to be enchanted with Attack Speed since mine is deplorable right now at 180. My current gear is nothing to write home about. Right now I have: -Violet Fear with Immortal Cursed Knight card and Hunter Fly -Full +4 Illusion Type A without any cards except Ifudes on my boots and Jewelry Ant on my Left Accessory (the Jewelry Ant used to have a staggering 15% proc chance on NovaRO, that's why I bough it and was very disappointed when I got it here on Shining Moon.) -+9 Adventurer's Backpack with Cenere Card -Fox Ears Bell Ribbon but I'm looking at replacing it with Snake Head or Vanargrand. -Black Devil's Mask -CD in Mouth Thank you in advance for all advice that you provide!!!