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1 Neutral
  1. Homunculus AI with Azzy Questions

    There's no longer support for homunculus AI with the recent updates to kRO.
  2. Should MVP Cards be disabled in BG/WoE?

    Unfortunately there's no way to find the connection between the forum user and the player to be able to tell how many people who voted for disable are people owning MVP cards, so saying that "its clear that most ammount of players arent mvp holders, so the voting would go easy straight to disable them all" may not be a fair comment. I know a group of players who own MVP cards voting for them to be disabled so it's not only players who don't own MVP cards voting for it to be disabled to be fair. MVP cards will only become a high barrier of entry for any person or group trying to enter the BG/WoE scene. In most cases, you don't even need to be fully geared with MVP cards to demonstrate how strong they can be. Just using 1 card on the appropriate class and in the right hands is sufficient.