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Everything posted by Pervert

  1. ExpanDEAD or not dead just yet?

    Yes please. Rebel is the only class i really enjoy playing aside from gx. Its not meta and its not going to be invited to end game parties but im having fun in my own ways and it would suck if rebel gets stuck at 200
  2. Ignition Break Rune Knight Guide

    Hi! First of all, i want to thank you for this guide. It helped paint a picture as to what my end game goals are. so I really appreciate you making this end game guide. As a relatively new player though, (i just started playing). Do you have any guides as how to I would progress my character from swordsman-knight-lordknight-runeknight? Like which beginner gears should i aim for first for fast progression and such before i get to farming the end game builds? ls there a specific build i should aim first for leveling? or even in leveling ignition break should always be my go to skill?