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cheesekun last won the day on May 18 2022

cheesekun had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

12 Good
  1. remaking this whole guide

  2. remaking this whole guide

    Introduction Welcome to a MEISTER Guide, I would just like to remake this guide as it was an OLD guide for "Axe Tornado" don't get me wrong the build is still viable, but with how the game has been going and classes/skills getting adjusted, I have come to the conclusion that i'll just cover ARM CANNON. I would also just like to claim that I won't be including MVP Cards as i remade this guide with the purpose of guiding newer players who are interested in playing ARM CANNON MEISTER. ARM CANNON PROS: ARM CANNON CONS: GENERAL NOTES FROM ME First of all you'll definitely be spending a lot of your stats on DEX and INT, don't worry about lacking some STR the stat is important without a doubt, but you should try to prioritize having instant cast above everything else, unless you plan to Instant Cast via Variable Cast Time ( or VCT in short ).I would highly advice, YOU to play around your stats yourself see what you'll need to reach instant cast How to Instant Cast via STATS - INT + ( DEX * 2 ) = 530 <- achieving a total of 530 by combining total INT and total DEX Multiplied by 2 ( the Multiply by 2 only applies to DEX ). GEARS I'll be blunt I'm mostly covering gears that I've personally used throughout the time I've played the server Top Middle Lower OTHER GEARS SOONTM