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  1. 1 point
    You're making an irrelevant comparison which derails the point of the topic. Just because people want to raise the % drop rate of one item doesn't mean that everything else needs to be raised or that they want everything else raised too. How does choosing an item have anything to do with having an opinion or suggestion for that item? Your argument there is that because we aren't forced to do it that he doesn't get to have a suggestion/opinion on the matter? Yikes, that's almost similar to saying you aren't forced to play RO so just leave if you don't like it. Hero LT is a end-stage gear already gated behind custom content and then we gate other parts of its upgrade process behind more custom content. It is redundant and boring. To get the armor modification boots, you have to get a somewhat competent group of people together and then farm fortessa content for a slim chance at the box. Then you have to spend like 1 billion zeny in value to upgrade it and grade it. Armor Mod Box = RNG drop, tough custom content Upgrading, Grading = 1b Zeny (a lot of farming, if unlucky, even more) Farming enchant ticket at 0.05% and 0.25% rates in an instance that you maybe run 3~5 times a day. (Better than MVP card rates but let's not confuse the value to the player between MVP cards and the enchant ticket LMAO) Whatever the % chance of getting the mods you need on top of that. Is this actually fun for you guys? Is anyone on this server confident enough to think the majority of the population actually thinks this is fun to do? Like actually ask the 100s of players here their on SMRO their opinion. I agree with the suggestion it should be improved, I don't know what the numbers should be but it should be improved. It's just not fun looking at our current numbers. Not every little thing has to be a monotonous grind. IMHO, it should be about fun.