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Showing most liked content on 05/24/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I'll try and answer the points as I remember them. To put it into perspective I'm playing A LOT at the moment and I'm part of one/several of the bigger and more tryhard groups on the server and played from HEL day 1. - open discord discussion; as far as I'm aware the Fortessa Pit discussion was announced openly and held on a certain open-to-everyone "private" community discord. I do agree that in the future such discussions should be held on the official Shining Moon discord. Even if it doesn't fundamentally change much; in this case the first impression counts too, the vibe it's giving off if it's not held in the official discord. - PvP/WoE: little interest from my side; even less if it were based on the HEL (or NIFL for that matter) character database because of how the early months of the server went - Endgame: my idea of SMkRO endgame is farming MVPs/BBs/Bio5 etc during drop events, and using the inbetween time to farm back in Fortessa Pit, farm Costumes, farm stuff like Bio5 that are still lucrative without drop event, maybe PvP and WoE if that's your thing. I'm not the biggest fan of a game dictating your playstyle via reward-events but so far it does seem to kinda work out (for me)... kinda. Goals for end game could be getting perfect enchants, perfect set of MVP cards, trying out new builds. I'll have to see how the new Fortessa Pit turns out. I personally like doing Bio 5, and grinding there with a group and just keep rolling for perfect enchants. I do agree that we might be running out of new content and new incentives to fully gear a new character. - Mid game: I think that's where the game could use some slowing down. The end game gear bases (Celine's comes to mind) are quickly available, which is part of the appeal of the server. Hardcore players like me had the points saved up from the early days and skipped right over the Celine's grind for example. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing for a more average player base. It just needs backing up for example by a slow enough, yet encouraging and fun and realistic enough system to gamble for the "perfect" enchant. Part of the problem, which Lunar seems to adress repeatedly (thana09, pit1) is just how efficient and strong dedicated player groups can be and how we can plough through content. - Early game: I fundamentally disagree with the loud opinion, that zeny farming at ridiculous rates should be early game. Or even mid game and end game. Not even 3 months ago we all were newbs on this server. We farmed our cards, we farmed at 10m/h rates, had to develop tactics and form groups to even be able to farm in certain spots. And it was fun, it's certainly very doable at the server rates, it brought the community together (at least in my experience). Farming Thana09 for 5 minutes and demanding access to the same gear you'd have to play hours of the corresponding content to get (cards at the time, perfect temporal boots, blueprints, anything really...) feels like a stupid concept to me. 100% agree with Lunar's decision to do this nerf. It's not pretty but I prefer it over the alternative of leaving those spots unaltered. If there is a better solution I'm all for it. - "zeny inflation": the only very real mid to long term damage this solution has imo, is that some people got obscenely rich and powerful, when they could buy stuff in a non-inflated market with their crazy high income from certain farm spots. Or in my personal case, supplying high value drops for those players to buy. We are in an awkward transition phase where people have to get used to selling items for lower prices and the market being a bit slower. I assume most people are geared, their spending is getting a bit more frugal and new players can't skip early game anymore by zerging Thana09 and just pointing at everything they see and go 'do want now!'. I think it's for the better, that the game is moving more towards farming the actual drops again. And using zeny as a trade currency (the way currency is supposed to work in a naive way of thinking about it), and not as a top tier way of generating wealth. - Lunar's work load and the pacing of the server: I don't think keeping up this pace is sustainable. Maybe I'm overstepping personal boundaries here - and if so I'm sorry - but I think this pace of updates is not personally sustainable, and I'm not sure it's even backed up by official content to match this pace long-term. So yes, I agree, a discussion about how the server can be interesting for as many players as possible is a good idea - +7 Certs and MVP crafting scrolls: I don't have any strong feelings about this. I think the mountains of MVP "etc" drops that piled up from before the scrolls were released made this feel more pointless than it should. In my mind that topic's in the "welp, early days of a new server" box. - Valk Shields: could use the hammer. But this would just further strengthen the groups that have heaps of them now, so *shrug*. Groups like yours and mine will have plenty of them either way. This overabundance just means they trickle down to a less hardcore player base. Again, don't have any strong feelings nor good solution to this. I farmed my first certs in the first few days via those incarnations in morroc and it worked just fine. - MVP Cards: I don't mind the accessibility. The acquisition is arbitrary and luck-based. IMO it's everyone or no one. The inbetween of some people arbitrarily becoming relevant (or gods) by the roll of a dice has always annoyed me on lower rate servers. It's a grind but it has a light at the end of the tunnel. I think there's a lot of good point being brought up. And for me personally a lot of it comes down to how much I played at the start and how dedicated a group I am part of. I certainly like the pacing a lot more than the other server that I played on before.