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Posts posted by Sumanai

  1. 18 minutes ago, orzorz69 said:

    This argument is invalid because it is kept upon death. Except Fortessa/GA/Purgatory are the only content where it disappears upon character death.


    Keep the changes, but retain the buff upon character death.

    Or increase the chances, but lower the duration entirely.

    That can also be consider. Only on ga/dort/purga instances the buff will not disappear upon death. Thanks for the input. 

  2. Poll regarding changes of miracle proc from 1 to 0.5, how do you feel and what do you guy's want?

    Since our custom content is relied on damage, losing the miracle will be big. Opinions on both veterans and ppl using SE to level.

    This is not only my opinion. Also most of the players that want to change it back to 1, Specially the new comers that want to use SE as their main/farmer.  

    How do you feel about the changes in miracle, please vote below.
    Note: The change that happened. "proc rate of Miracle from 0.1% to 0.05%, now it is much more difficult to trigger miracle when you lose it upon death." Leveling at lower levels or people with fewer gear might struggle to keep the miracle up while leveling. Our end game content also has a huge death rate as a mistake in purgatory can cause a death, or other mechanics existing in game such as Fortessa dungeons.
