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Posts posted by Lawc

  1. 4 hours ago, 11099941 said:

    Suggested to look into: 


    For now, try to get whatever gear (I think Eden equipment quests works fine here, I just didn't bother and ran Rebel with a mink coat and crappy gun) that will pull you through to 150 (which is not very hard if you are at 100x rate, which you should seriously start with), after which you aim to get your character's Grace set  (lvl150 req, @go 46, orange NPC on the left side). It is then when you start getting somewhere due to it being easy to farm and has decent bonuses. Cor Core and Unknown Parts are farmable at @warp sp_os, which you can do with most characters past 120 I think.

    You can try your luck in Charleston Crisis Instance at 120, if you can kill some of the mobs there. Try to pick them out 1 by 1 first, until you can aoe many of them to death. Else, wait for 150, and then do it. It's really quick to level there, and you can reach 175 in one go at 100x with battle manual. Don't bother with the boss though, It's not worth trying if you're just there to level.


    @go 43, which is the vend area. Some people tend to sell cheap gear there for new people. You may find one you need.

    Send your questions at #main in-game to receive some more info from other players, as I also am just barely getting off my ass. People are extremely friendly here.

    Join the Discord. It's far more active than the forums.

    Horror Toy Factory is the big money.


    Thank you so sooo much for the help and for your time mate i was completly lost. I'm level 132 i can't level up at bifrost tower 1 because mobs destroy me so i'll just farm for Grace gear at @warp sp_os and i'll try Charleston Crisis never done it before i hope i won't get rekt. About the grace gear i saw crit and rolling cutter i think ima just get the rolling cutter one for easy farm. 


    Again thanks mate !

  2. Hi!

    I played ragnarok for 13 years but only prenewal. I'm trying to play a bit of renewal on Shining Moon but it's like completly an other game.

    I'm leveling a GX and trying to level him up following this guide https://www.shining-moon.com/helheim/index.php/Leveling_Guide i reached lv 131 and tried to lv up at Bifrost tower 1 but i can't kill any mob there it's like the guide is only for ppl who already have a gear and can clean this kind of map.


    So i tried to get some gear to be able to clean bifrost tower 1 and checked this guide 


    But hey wtf are all these gear lmao +12 this +20 that + 1000 this i don't know where to get all these gear.

    In any other MMO you get gear from quests then newbie dungeon and then harder ones. But i can't find where i start my farming, where are npcs selling stuff.


    Can anyone help please? 


    And ye to make it quick: yes i checked data but this is not wow data and guides are kinda outdated? And please don't tell me "ye just go farm that instance dude :D " because i don't know how to get there, what to farm and how.


    Thanks and sorry for my poor English!
