Kill Count: 256175
Kill Count: 59242

A shining necklace decorated with a sea-colored Aquamarine.
It radiates bright and warm energy from the deep.
ATK +10%
Decreases Variable Casting Time of all skills by 7%.
When equipped with :
Decreases After Skill Delay of all skills by 5%.
Decreases Fixed Casting Time of all skills by 0.2 seconds.
Increases Physical Damage against enemies of Angel and Demon race by 15%.
Type: Accessory
Position Left
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 170

#490067: Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light

Item ID 490067 For Sale No
Identifier Shine_Necklace_AQ Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light Type Armor
NPC Buy 0 Weight 10
NPC Sell 0 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 1 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 170
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Accessory Left
Equip Upper Normal / Upper / Baby / Third / Third Upper / Third Baby
Equippable Jobs All Jobs
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)

Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light Drop Chance Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
20795 Regret of Thanatos 1% 202 Undead Level 3 Ghost

Vending information:

ID Name ▲ Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount Shop Name
490067 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light [1] None None None None 4,500,000 z 1 Abyssal Rings and Necklaces
490067 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light [1] None None None None 4,500,000 z 1 Abyssal Rings and Necklaces
490067 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light [1] None None None None 4,500,000 z 1 Abyssal Rings and Necklaces
490067 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light [1] None None Empathy Lv1 Divine Evil Lv4 45,000,000 z 1 Drei - HP Increase Potion
490067 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light [1] None None Shelter Lv4 Destructive Evil Lv2 10,000,000 z 1 Drei - HP Increase Potion
490067 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light [1] None None Empathy Lv3 Divine Evil Lv3 45,000,000 z 1 ~~ THANA Accessory ~~

Vending Price History:

Date ▼ Item Name Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Price Amount Sold
2025-02-08 12:25:27 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2025-01-09 06:50:58 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Shelter Lv1 Destructive Evil Lv1 5,000,000 z 1
2025-01-05 19:08:51 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Solace Lv1 Destructive Evil Lv1 5,000,000 z 1
2024-12-30 13:09:01 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 8,000,000 z 1
2024-12-20 10:59:46 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 8,000,000 z 1
2024-12-06 07:11:10 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Empathy Lv1 Divine Evil Lv1 5,000,000 z 1
2024-12-05 08:19:58 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-12-04 02:59:03 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-12-02 15:26:46 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Happiness Lv1 Destructive Evil Lv2 4,000,000 z 1
2024-11-28 06:11:57 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Shelter Lv1 Divine Evil Lv1 4,000,000 z 1
2024-11-21 09:51:12 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-11-20 09:55:38 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Shelter Lv1 Divine Evil Lv1 4,000,000 z 1
2024-11-17 08:24:41 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-11-17 08:24:29 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-10-23 09:18:14 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None Solace Lv1 Divine Evil Lv1 3,250,000 z 1
2024-10-23 05:16:42 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-10-20 06:27:35 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 4,999,999 z 1
2024-10-20 06:27:35 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 4,999,999 z 1
2024-10-20 06:26:49 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1
2024-10-12 08:18:14 Aquamarine Necklace of Brilliant Light None None None None 5,000,000 z 1

Minimum in the past 10 days have been : 5000000

Maximum in the past 10 days have been : 5000000

Average of the past 10 days is : 5000000
