Lunar 306 Posted October 21, 2022 Official Class Rebalance 2022 Dragon Knight Hack and Slasher Changed from a negative multihit ( dmg / amount of hits ) to a positive multihit ( dmg * amount of hits ) Formula changed: ( 400 + 700 * Skill Level ) % Cooldown increased from 0.3 seconds to 0.7 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP cost has been increased Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 5 to 7 Servant Weapon Skill has been changed to a positive multi-hit Formula changed: ( 500 + 400 * Skill Level ) % Servant Weapon - Phantom Variable cast-time removed Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay removed Formula changed: ( 200 + 300 * Skill Level ) % Servant Weapon - Demolition Cooldown reduced from 3 seconds to 0.5 seconds AP generation reduced from 3 to 2 Formula changed: ( 500 * Skill Level ) % Storm Slash Cooldown reduced from 0.35 seconds to 0.3 seconds AP generation increased from 1 to 2 The chance from the Giant Growth effect has been increased from 15% to 30% Formula changed: ( 100 + 170 * Skill Level ) % Madness Crusher Variable cast-time have been removed Fixed cast-time have been increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.5 seconds SP consumption has been increased AP generation have been increased from 2 to 3 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 5 to 7 Formula changed: ( 400 + 800 * Skill Level ) % Vigor Base damage modifier of 200% have been increased to 250% The human / angel modifier have been increased from 50% to 100% AP cost has been reduced from 150 to 125 HP consumption per attack has been increased from 2 to 10 at level 10 Dragonic Aura After-cast delay reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds Formula changed: ( 3650 * Skill Level ) % [ Non Demi-human / Angel ] ( 3800 * Skill Level ) % [ Demi-human / Angel ] Imperial Guard Overslash Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 2 to 5 Formula changed: ( 120 * Skill Level ) % Shield Shooting Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 400 + 2400 * Skill Level ) % Cross Rain Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 4.5 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.15 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 5 to 7 Formula changed: ( 450 * Skill Level ) % [ Holy Shield ] ( 320 * Skill Level ) % Grand Judgement Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 5 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption increased AP cost reduced from 150 to 15 Buff duration reduced from 300 seconds to 150 seconds Formula changed: ( 250 + 1500 * Skill Level ) % ( 250 + 1750 * Skill Level ) % [ Insect / Plant ] Judgement Cross Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 5 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption increased AP cost reduced from 150 to 10 Formula changed: ( 1950 * Skill Level ) % ( 2100 * Skill Level ) % [ Insect / Plant ] Meister Axe Stomp Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption increased Damage effect duration increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds Formula changed: ( 350 + 850 * Skill Level ) % Rush Quake After-cast delay removed Formula changed: ( 3600 * Skill Level ) % ( 3750 * Skill Level ) % [ Insect / Formless ] Biolo Acidified Zone - Wind Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption reduced Multi-hit count increased from 5 to 7 Acidified Zone - Earth Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption reduced Multi-hit count increased from 5 to 7 Acidified Zone - Fire Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption reduced Multi-hit count increased from 5 to 7 Acidified Zone - Water Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption reduced Multi-hit count increased from 5 to 7 Full Shadow Protection Duration increased from 60 seconds to 180 seconds Research Report Fixed cast-time reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds Cooldown reduced from 120 seconds to 60 seconds Duration increased from 60 seconds to 150 seconds Shadow Cross Savage Impact Area of effect increased from 3x3 to 5x5 SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 90 * Skill Level ) % ( 110 * Skill Level ) % [ Shadow Exceed ] Eternal Slash Cooldown reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased Range increased from 2 to 3 cells Multiplication of Pow inside formula decreased from 5 to 2 and 7 to 3 Formula changed: ( 265 * Skill Level ) % ( 365 * Skill Level ) % [ Shadow Exceed ] Impact Crater Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 1.5 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption increased AP generation decreased from 5 to 3 Formula changed: ( 80 * Skill Level ) % Shadow Stab Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.35 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 750 * Skill Level ) % Potent Venom Duration of the buff has been raised ( from 120 to 300 seconds based on level 10 ) RES ignore has been reduced from 30% to 20% Fatal Shadow Claw Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds Variable cast-time reduced from 4 seconds to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay has been removed SP consumption increased Damage effect duration increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds Formula changed: ( 1350 * Skill Level ) % ( 1450 * Skill Level ) % [ Dragon / Demi-Human ] Shadow Exceed After-cast delay removed AP cost has been reduced from 150 to 125 Damage effect duration increased from 240 seconds to 300 seconds Abyss Chaser Abyss Dagger SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 100 + 500 * Skill Level ) % Deft Stab Area of effect increased from 5x5 to 7x7 SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula changed: ( 350 + 550 * Skill Level ) % From the Abyss Changed the skill hit count from 1 to 2 ( DMG * 2 hits ) Formula changed: ( 100 + 500 * Skill Level ) % Abyss Square AP generation increased from 4 to 5 Formula changed: ( 570 * Skill Level ) % Chain Reaction Shot Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds Variable cast-time reduced from 4 seconds to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay has been removed Area of effect of the secondary attack has been increased from 3x3 to 7x7 Area of effect of the primary attack has been increased from 7x7 to 9x9 Multiplication of Con inside formula increased from 5 to 15 Formula changed: ( 850 * Skill Level ) % [ Primary ] ( 600 + 2350 * Skill Level ) % [ Secondary ] Frenzy Shot SP cost reduced Formula changed: ( 400 * Skill Level ) % Omega Abyss Strike Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 3 seconds AP cost reduced from 150 to 15 SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 2200 * Skill Level ) % ( 2350 * Skill Level ) % [ Angel / Demon ] Arch Mage Floral Flare Road After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 50 + 740 * Skill Level ) % Rain of Crystal After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 140 + 760 * Skill Level ) % Tornado Storm After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 50 + 860 * Skill Level ) % Strantum Tremor After-cast delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 100 + 730 * Skill Level ) % Crimson Arrow AP generation increased from 1 to 2 SP consumption decreased Frozen Slash Cooldown increased from 0.3 seconds to 0.45 seconds AP generation increased from 1 to 2 SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 250 + 900 * Skill Level ) % ( 400 + 1250 * Skill Level ) % [ Climax ] Storm Cannon AP generation increased from 1 to 2 SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 950 * Skill Level ) % ( 1250 * Skill Level ) % [ Climax ] Rock Down AP generation increased from 1 to 2 SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 950 * Skill Level ) % ( 1250 * Skill Level ) % [ Climax ] All Bloom After-cast delay reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased Climax changes: Level 2 effect: Damage reduction removed Level 3 effect: Damage bonus is increased from 100% to 300% Level 5 effect: Extra attack has been increased to 85000% Formula changed: ( 200 + 1200 * Skill Level ) % Crystal Impact Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 2 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 250 + 1300 * Skill Level ) % Destructive Hurricane Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 2 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased Climax changes: Level 1 effect: The damage of the additional attack has been increased to 12500% Level 3 effect: Damage bonus is increased from 100% to 200% Level 5 effect: Bonus damage has been reduced from 70% to 50% Formula changed: ( 1200 + 1800 * Skill Level ) % Violent Quake After-cast delay reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased Climax changes: Level 3 effect: Damage bonus is increased from 100% to 200% Formula changed: ( 200 + 1200 * Skill Level ) % Deadly Projection SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 2800 * Skill Level ) % Mystery Illusion After-cast delay reduced from 1 second to 0.5 second SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 950 * Skill Level ) % Soul Vulcan Strike SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 250 * Skill Level ) % Astral Strike Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 6 seconds AP cost reduced from 150 to 25 SP consumption decreased Duration of attack reduced from 15 to 6 seconds Formula changed: ( 300 + 1800 * Skill Level ) % ( 400 + 2100 * Skill Level ) % [ Undead / Dragon ] Elemental Master Conflagration SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 500 + 650 * Skill Level ) % ( 500 + 1050 * Skill Level ) % [ Elemental ] Diamond Storm Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second SP consumption decreased Multiplication of SPL inside formula increased from 7 to 10 Formula changed: ( 200 + 1750 * Skill Level ) % ( 5400 + 1800 * Skill Level ) % [ Elemental ] Lightning Land SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 500 + 650 * Skill Level ) % ( 500 + 1050 * Skill Level ) % [ Elemental ] Terra Drive Cooldown decreased from 2 seconds to 1 second SP consumption decreased Multiplication of SPL inside formula increased from 5 to 7 Multiplication of SPL inside formula increased from 7 to 10 Formula changed: ( 400 + 1550 * Skill Level ) % ( 5400 + 1800 * Skill Level ) % [ Elemental ] Venom Swamp SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 500 + 650 * Skill Level ) % ( 500 + 1050 * Skill Level ) % [ Elemental ] Elemental Buster Fixed cast-time decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 5 seconds After-cast delay reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds SP consumption decreased AP cost decreased from 150 to 30 Formula changed: ( 500 + 2200 * Skill Level ) % ( 500 + 2350 * Skill Level ) % [ Formless / Dragon ] Cardinal Framen SP consumption increased AP generation increased Formula changed: ( 800 * Skill Level ) % ( 900 * Skill Level ) % [ Demon / Undead ] Arbitrium Cooldown decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 1000 * Skill Level ) % ( 1250 * Skill Level ) % [ Second Hit ] Petitio Cooldown decreased from 1 second to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula changed: ( 1050 * Skill Level ) % Competentia AP cost reduced from 200 to 160 Duration of the effect has been increased from 240 seconds to 300 seconds Pneumaticus Procella Cooldown decreased from 60 seconds to 5 seconds After-cast delay removed AP cost reduced from 150 to 30 Formula changed: ( 100 + 2100 * Skill Level ) % ( 100 + 2300 * Skill Level ) % [ Demon / Undead ] Effligo Cooldown decreased from 60 seconds to 0.5 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption increased AP cost reduced from 100 to 12 Multiplication of Pow inside formula decreased from 10 to 7 Formula changed: ( 1650 * Skill Level ) % ( 1800 * Skill Level ) % [ Demon / Undead ] Inquisitor First Brand Cooldown reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds SP consumption increased Duration of First Brand has been changed to be 5 seconds regardless of skill level Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Range has been increased from 2 to 3 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 1200 * Skill Level ) % Second Faith Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 4 Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 4 to 5 Formula changed: ( 100 + 2300 * Skill Level ) % Second Judgement Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 4 Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 4 to 7 Formula changed: ( 100 + 2600 * Skill Level ) % Second Flame Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 3 to 4 Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Range has been increased from 2 to 3 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 4 to 9 Formula changed: ( 200 + 2900 * Skill Level ) % Third Punish Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second The amount of hits have been increased from 2 to 3 Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 5 to 10 Formula changed: ( 300 + 1500 * Skill Level ) % Third Consecration Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 5 to 10 Formula changed: ( 700 * Skill Level ) % Third Flame Bomb Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second Area of Effect has been changed to be 7x7 regardless of skill level Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 5 to 10 Oleum Sanctum Cooldown reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption increased Area of Effect has been increased to be 11x11 at level 5 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 500 + 2000 * Skill Level ) % Explosion Blaster Cooldown reduced from 1 seconds to 0.7 seconds SP consumption reduced Area of Effect has been increased to be 11x11 at level 5 Multiplication of Pow inside formula increased to 15 Formula changed: ( 3200 * Skill Level ) % [ Holy Oil Debuff on target ] ( 2800 * Skill Level ) % First Faith Power Cooldown changes to 30 seconds x skill level Duration of the buff has been changed to be 300 seconds regardless of level used Judge Cooldown changes to 30 seconds x skill level Duration of the buff has been changed to be 300 seconds regardless of level used AP cost has been decreased based on level used Third Exor Flame Cooldown changes to 30 seconds x skill level Duration of the buff has been changed to be 300 seconds regardless of level used AP cost has been decreased based on level used Massive Flame Blaster Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 5 seconds Area of Effect has been changed to be 11x11 based on level 5 Multiplication of Pow inside formula changed to 15 Effect duration reduced from 300 seconds to 150 seconds Formula changed: ( 2300 * Skill Level ) % [ Demon / Brute ] ( 2150 * Skill Level ) % Wind Hawk Hawk Rush Formula changed: ( 500 * Skill Level ) % Gale Storm Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds SP consumption decreased Formula changed: ( 950 * Skill Level ) % Crescive Bolt After-cast reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds SP consumption decreased Changed how the consecutive hit buff is applied at 3 to restart the time but keep the count Formula changed: ( 340 * Skill Level ) % Deep Blind Trap Cooldown changed to 2.5 seconds SP consumption increased Area of effect has been increased to 7x7 based on level 5 The traps will now inflict their damage once every 0.5 seconds AP generation reduced from 4 to 3 Multiplication of Con inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 850 * Skill Level ) % Solid Trap Cooldown changed to 2.5 seconds SP consumption increased Area of effect has been increased to 7x7 based on level 5 The traps will now inflict their damage once every 0.5 seconds AP generation reduced from 4 to 3 Multiplication of Con inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 850 * Skill Level ) % Swift Trap Cooldown changed to 2.5 seconds SP consumption increased Area of effect has been increased to 7x7 based on level 5 The traps will now inflict their damage once every 0.5 seconds AP generation reduced from 4 to 3 Multiplication of Con inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 850 * Skill Level ) % Flame Trap Cooldown changed to 2.5 seconds SP consumption increased Area of effect has been increased to 7x7 based on level 5 The traps will now inflict their damage once every 0.5 seconds AP generation reduced from 4 to 3 Multiplication of Con inside formula increased from 3 to 5 Formula changed: ( 850 * Skill Level ) % Advanced Trap Mastery Duration increase has been changed to 1 second per skill level Hawk Boomerang Cooldown changed to 0.15 seconds SP consumption decreased AP cost has been reduced from 15 to 12 Formula changed: ( 600 * Skill Level ) % Troubadour / Trouvere Sound Blend SP consumption decreased Metallic Fury Cooldown decreased from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds SP consumption decreased Fixed skill to behave like official The amount of hits is determined based on how many targets are affected by Sound Blend in the area, however after a target was hit it automatically removes the Sound Blend from all targets in the area. Formula change: ( 2200 * Skill Level ) % Rhythm Shooting Cooldown changed to 0.15 seconds After-cast delay removed SP consumption decreased Multiplication of Con inside formula increased from 2 to 3 Formula change: ( 300 + 220 * Skill Level ) % [ Sound Blend ] ( 200 + 120 * Skill Level ) % Rose Blossom Variable cast-time reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second Cooldown increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.7 seconds SP consumption decreased Multiplication of Con inside formula changed to 3 Formula change: Main Hit ( 200 + 2200 * Skill Level ) % [ Sound Blend ] ( 200 + 2000 * Skill Level ) % Second Hit ( 250 + 3000 * Skill Level ) % [ Sound Blend ] ( 250 + 2800 * Skill Level ) % Shinkiro / Shiranui Shadow Hunting SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Shadow Dance Variable cast-time removed Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds After cast-delay reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 500 + 600 * Skill Level ) % Shadow Flash Fixed cast-time removed Variable cast-time removed Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds Formula changed: ( 1600 + 700 * Skill Level ) % Huuma Shuriken - Grasp After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Huuma Shuriken - Construct SP consumption increased Kunai - Distortion SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Additional bonus damage based on Kunai Refraction skill level has been increased from 7 to 10 Formula changed: ( 300 + 600 * Skill Level ) % Kunai - Rotation SP consumption increased Additional bonus damage based on Kunai Distortion skill level has been increased from 50 to 70 Formula changed: ( 800 + 700 * Skill Level ) % Kunai - Refraction SP consumption increased Additional bonus damage based on Kunai Rotation skill level has been increased from 5 to 10 Red Flame Cannon Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Additional bonus damage based on Dark Cannon skill level has been increased from 50 to 70 Formula changed: ( 850 + 1250 * Skill Level ) % Cold Blooded Cannon Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Additional bonus damage based on Dark Cannon skill level has been increased from 25 to 40 Formula changed: ( 250 + 550 * Skill Level ) % Thundering Cannon Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Additional bonus damage based on Dark Cannon skill level has been increased from 50 to 70 Formula changed: ( 600 + 1300 * Skill Level ) % Golden Dragon Cannon Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 300 + 400 * Skill Level ) % Darkening Cannon Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.7 seconds After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 450 + 950 * Skill Level ) % Shadow : Nightmare Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second AP cost reduced from 30 to 20 Formula changed: ( 18000 * Skill Level ) % Kunai : Nightmare Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second AP cost reduced from 30 to 20 Formula changed: ( 18000 * Skill Level ) % Dark Dragon : Nightmare Fixed cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second AP cost reduced from 30 to 20 Formula changed: ( 15500 * Skill Level ) % Night Watch Only One Bullet SP consumption increased The damage bonus per aim count has been increased to ( 350 * Skill Level ) % Formula change: ( 750 + 1350 * Skill Level ) % [ Rifle ] ( 800 + 1500 * Skill Level ) % [ Revolver ] Spiral Shooting Formula change: ( 1200 + 1700 * Skill Level ) % [ Rifle ] ( 1000 + 1500 * Skill Level ) % [ Launcher ] Magazine for One Cooldown reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.5 seconds SP consumption increased The damage bonus per aim count has been increased to ( 100 * Skill Level ) % Formula change: ( 200 + 350 * Skill Level ) % [ Gatling Gun ] ( 150 + 450 * Skill Level ) % [ Revolver ] Wild Fire Formula change: ( 1000 + 2450 * Skill Level ) % [ Shotgun ] ( 1000 + 2300 * Skill Level ) % [ Launcher ] Basic Grenade SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula change: ( 1000 + 950 * Skill Level ) % Hasty Fire in the Hole AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula change: ( 1500 + 1050 * Skill Level ) % Grenades Dropping SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 5 Formula change: ( 550 + 850 * Skill Level ) % Mission: Bombardment Cooldown changed from 60 seconds to 10 seconds AP cost decreased from 100 to 35 SP consumption decreased Formula change: ( 5000 + 1800 * Skill Level ) % [ Big Hit ] ( 800 + 200 * Skill Level ) % The Vigilante at Night Reduces the cost of bullets from 15 to 10 Soul Ascetic Soul Gathering After cast-delay removed SP consumption decreased Talisman of Soul Stealing Cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 500 + 1250 * Skill Level ) % Exorcism of Malicious Soul SP consumption decreased Talisman of Blue Dragon SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 350 + 1650 * Skill Level ) % [ Buffed ] ( 250 + 1450 * Skill Level ) % Talisman of White Tiger Cooldown increased from 0.3 seconds to 0.4 seconds SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 350 + 1350 * Skill Level ) % [ Buffed ] ( 350 + 950 * Skill Level ) % Talisman of Red Phoenix SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 1 to 3 Formula changed: ( 1200 + 1300 * Skill Level ) % [ Buffed ] ( 1000 + 900 * Skill Level ) % Talisman of Black Turtoise SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 1 to 3 Formula changed: ( 2300 + 1850 * Skill Level ) % [ Buffed ] ( 2250 + 1450 * Skill Level ) % Talisman of Four Bearing God SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 1 to 3 Formula changed: ( 50 + 250 * Skill Level ) % Circle of Directions and Elementals SP consumption increased AP cost reduced from 150 to 25 Cooldown decreased from 60 seconds to 5 seconds Duration reduced to 150 seconds Formula changed: ( 500 + 2000 * Skill Level ) % Sky Emperor Rising Sun SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 500 + 600 * Skill Level ) % Noon Blast SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula changed: ( 1500 + 1350 * Skill Level ) % Sunset Blast SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula changed: ( 950 + 400 * Skill Level ) % Rising Moon SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 700 + 450 * Skill Level ) % Midnight Kick SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula changed: ( 1550 + 1450 * Skill Level ) % [ Midnight ] ( 600 + 1200 * Skill Level ) % Dawn Break SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Formula changed: ( 400 + 600 * Skill Level ) % [ Moonset ] ( 400 + 400 * Skill Level ) % Twinkling Galaxy SP consumption increased Star Burst SP consumption increased Star Cannon SP consumption increased All in the Sky SP consumption decreased AP cost reduced from 100 to 35 Cooldown changed from 60 seconds to 2 seconds After cast-delay removed Formula changed: ( 3000 + 2000 * Skill Level ) % Hyper Novice Self-Study Tactics The damage multiplier from Double Bowling Bash, Mega Sonic Blow and Spiral Pierce Max is increased from 10% to 15% based on level 10. The damage multiplier from Shield Chain Rush is increased from 20% to 30% based on level 10. Double Bowling Bash SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 2 to 3 Max knockback reduced from 6 cells to 2 cells Area of Effect increased from 7x7 to 9x9 Formula changed: ( 150 + 250 * Skill Level ) % Mega Sonic Blow SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 850 + 450 * Skill Level ) % Shield Chain Rush SP consumption decreased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Skill range has been changed to be 7 regardless of level Area of Effect increased from 7x7 to 9x9 Formula changed: ( 600 + 450 * Skill Level ) % Spiral Pierce Max SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 550 + 350 * Skill Level ) % Meteor Storm Buster SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 300 + 320 * Skill Level ) % ( 450 + 160 * Skill Level ) % [ Explosion ] Jupitel Thunderstorm SP consumption increased Jack Frost Nova SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 200 * Skill Level ) % ( 400 + 500 * Skill Level ) % [ Explosion ] Hell's Drive SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Formula changed: ( 1500 + 700 * Skill Level ) % Ground Gravitation SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 3000 + 1500 * Skill Level ) % [ Gravity ] ( 800 + 700 * Skill Level ) % Napalm Vulcan Strike SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 1 to 2 Area of Effect increased to 7x7 Formula changed: ( 350 + 650 * Skill Level ) % Breaking Limit Reduced the damage factor for Mega Sonic Blow and Spiral Pierce Max from 100% to 70% Rule Break Reduced the damage factor for Napalm Vulcan Strike from 100% to 40% Spirit Handler Chulho Sonic Claw SP consumption increased The bonus damage from Mystical Creature Mastery has been increased from 30 and 50 to 50 and 100 Formula changed: ( 500 + 850 * Skill Level ) % [ Temporary Communion or Commune with Chulho ] ( 400 + 750 * Skill Level ) % Howling of Chulho SP consumption increased The bonus damage from Mystical Creature Mastery has been increased from 30 and 50 to 50 and 100 Increased the duration from 10 seconds to 12 seconds Formula changed: ( 700 + 1150 * Skill Level ) % [ Temporary Communion or Commune with Chulho ] ( 600 + 1050 * Skill Level ) % Hogogong Strike Cooldown reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.35 seconds SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 250 + 350 * Skill Level ) % [ Temporary Communion or Commune with Chulho ] ( 180 + 200 * Skill Level ) % Marine Festival of Kisul AP generation increased from 2 to 4 Sandy Festival of Kisul AP generation increased from 2 to 4 Hyun Rok Breeze SP consumption increased AP generation increased from 3 to 4 Formula changed: ( 700 + 800 * Skill Level ) % [ Temporary Communion or Commune with Hyun Rok] ( 600 + 600 * Skill Level ) % Hyun Rok Cannon After cast-delay removed SP consumption increased Formula changed: ( 800 + 1200 * Skill Level ) % [ Temporary Communion or Commune with Hyun Rok ] ( 700 + 950 * Skill Level ) % Item New items Heroic Token (Hyper Novice) (ItemID: 490220) Added to Hero's Mark Scroll Spell Stone Dual (ItemID: 1000921) Power Stone Dual (ItemID: 1001055) Added to Dual Stone Box Spell Magic Attack Stone Garment (ItemID: 1000922) Melee Physical Attack Stone Garment (ItemID: 1001053) Range Physical Attack Stone Garment (ItemID: 1001054) Added to Enchantment Stone Box Sura Stone Upper (ItemID: 1000968) Mechanic Stone Upper (ItemID: 1000971) Guillotine Cross Stone Upper (ItemID: 1000974) Sura Stone Middle (ItemID: 1000969) Mechanic Stone Middle (ItemID: 1000972) Guillotine Cross Stone Middle (ItemID: 1000975) Sura Stone Lower (ItemID: 1000970) Mechanic Stone Lower (ItemID: 1000973) Guillotine Cross Stone Lower (ItemID: 1000976) Star Emperor Stone Upper (ItemID: 1001044) Rebellion Stone Upper (ItemID: 1001047) Soul Reaper Stone Upper (ItemID: 1001050) Star Emperor Stone Middle (ItemID: 1001045) Rebellion Stone Middle (ItemID: 1001048) Soul Reaper Stone Middle (ItemID: 1001051) Star Emperor Stone Lower (ItemID: 1001046) Rebellion Stone Lower (ItemID: 1001049) Soul Reaper Stone Lower (ItemID: 1001052) Added to Class Enchantment Stone Box Experience Shadow Weapon (ItemID: 24770) Added to Random Shadow Box and Shadow Coupon Convertible Critical Wing (ItemID: 480197) Added to Instance Coin NPC Teleport Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20802) Heal Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20803) Greed Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20804) Increase AGI Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20805) Magnum Break Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20806) Endure Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20807) Sight Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20808) Improve Concentration Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20809) Hiding Amistr Bag (ItemID: 20811) Added to Monster Hunter Lucy NPC Durable Shadow Spellbook (ItemID: 101361) Added to Ladder NPC and all random book items Weapons Sinful Weapon Box [ ID: 1910000213 ] Darkness Tablet (ItemID: 540054) Demonic Claw (ItemID: 560036) Doom Bible (ItemID: 540059) Sealed Bible (ItemID: 540035) Soul Harvest (ItemID: 550093) Devil Wing Staff (ItemID: 640036) Devil Cursed Sword (ItemID: 500062) Underworld Knife (ItemID: 510091) The Ripper (ItemID: 610044) Crime Violin (ItemID: 570036) Crime Whip (ItemID: 580037) Dark Angel Ray Bow (ItemID: 700066) Devil's Bullet (ItemID: 800026) Screaming Rifle (ItemID: 810026) Outlaw Cursed Shotgun (ItemID: 820020) RG-5649 (ItemID: 830025) Devil Lord Launcher (ItemID: 840020) Brilliant Light Weapon Box [ ID: 1910000214 ] Saint Bringer (ItemID: 550088) Origin of Life (ItemID: 540055) Punish Scepter (ItemID: 590034) Blessed Bible (ItemID: 540060) Soul Liberator (ItemID: 550094) Destiny Staff (ItemID: 640037) Guardian Saber (ItemID: 500063) Angel Wing Bow (ItemID: 700065) Shining Light Katar (ItemID: 610045) Light Power Harp (ItemID: 570037) Light Power Spark (ItemID: 580038) Holy Light Dagger (ItemID: 510092) Devil Hunter (ItemID: 800027) Last Dawn (ItemID: 810027) Lord of Glory (ItemID: 820021) Lightning Splatter (ItemID: 830026) Justice Bomber (ItemID: 840021) Niflheim - jRO items Purge Shoes (ItemID: 470105) Bubbly Hunting Goggles (ItemID: 410064) Nostalgia Sakura (ItemID: 400194) Powered Income (ItemID: 410088) Foreign Heritage Hat (ItemID: 400308) Phantom Ear (ItemID: 410129) Metal Pick (ItemID: 490141) Rune Greaves (ItemID: 470084) Military Glove (ItemID: 490183) Soul Expansion Ring (ItemID: 490079) Nightmare and Hell Removed random element and random race modifiers Purgatory Increased damage reduction by 5% Reduced the chance for random effects to happen from 15% to 7% Reduced the chance for Darkness / Bomb from 15% to 10% Constellation Tower Fixed Naught Sieger not spawning with a shield Fixed Betelgeuse phase 3 not spawning with a shield ( phase 1 + 2 have purposely none ) Skill Nerfs Helheim Midnight kick -50% Dawn Break -30% Noon Blast -50% Sunset Blast -30% Star Cannon -50% Star Burst -50% All in the Sky -80% Ignition Break lowered from -25% to -15% Crescive Bolt lowered from -50% to -25% Impact Crater -30% Dancing Knife -10% Kunai - Rotation -50% Huuma Shuriken - Grasp -50% Crimson Arrow -15% Savage Impact -25% Niflheim Midnight kick -50% Dawn Break -30% Noon Blast -50% Sunset Blast -30% Star Cannon -50% Star Burst -50% Aimed Bolt from -50 to -60% Third Flame Bomb from -30 to -50% Chain Lightning from -25% to -50% Crimson Rock -25% Soul Vulcan Strike -25% Comet -25% Talisman of Four Bearing God -25% Fatal Manace -30% Counter Slash -50% All in the Sky -80% Ignition Break lowered from -25% to -15% Crescive Bolt lowered from -50% to -25% Impact Crater -30% Dancing Knife -30% Kunai - Rotation -50% Huuma Shuriken - Grasp -50% Crimson Arrow -15% Savage Impact -25% Enchant UI Fixed wrong reset cost for Constellation Tower items Skill Fixed a bug that prevented Deluge, Volcano and skills alike to allow you to bypass the Elemental restrictions Fixed a display error of damage for Spell Fist when using double attack on a Purgatory Shield Fixed Earth Insignia giving wrong elemental bonus Fixed Wind Insignia giving wrong elemental bonus Fixed Water Insignia giving wrong elemental bonus Fixed Fire Insignia giving wrong elemental bonus Fixed SP cost of Framen Fixed Unlimit giving wrong bonus Fixed an issue that caused Eternal Slash to be cast 3 times before applying the first double-hit Fixed an issue that caused Research Report to be lost when casted a second time during its duration Improved directional detection of Huuma Shuriken - Construct Item Fixed A-grade bonus of Star Cluster of Creative Lvl 3 Updated description of Gym Pass Fixed description of Shadow Dance Tuning Device Fixed description of Chaser's Ring Fixed wrong % modifier in Paradise Sorcerer Magic Book Fixed missing jRO statement that prevents 2 of the same accessories in Half Dragon Princess Ring Fixed Phantom Ear Fixed combo of Realized Amdarais and Amdarais Phantom Card Increased chance of Brain Sucker Card Fixed equipable classes of Union Two-Handed Staff Fixed equipable classes of Costume Wandering Wolf Helm Fixed display of slot of Dark Triad Increased chance of the HP generation from Leviathan Magic Muffler Fixed incorrect bonus of Kingbird Ancient Shadow Weapon Fixed incorrect item script of Nightmare Verit Card Added missing enchants Vigilante at Night Tuning Device Magazine for One Tuning Device Fire Tuning Device Huuma Shuriken Grasp Tuning Device Other Monster Visuals Fixed some visual effects on monsters to be shown again at all times Elementals Fixed Elemental Veil from preventing monsters from targetting the elemental directly, it does not prevent it from being damaged by skills with area of effect Fixed the display of Elemental Veil Niflheim Fixed a bug that caused custom critical to nullify the damage if the damage was at 2.1b prior to critical All fortessa dungeon monsters now spawn a poring when their soul was captured with either Purgatory or Contract Halloween Costumes 2022 Diabolic Rock Guitar [ Garment ] Midnight Candle Spiderling Travellers Oil Lantern Magic Celestial Globe Master of Light and Darkness Yesterday Once More Devil's Banquet Evil Minimi NPC Fixed requirement for some cards on the Geffen Night Arena NPC Fixed Thanatos Tower enchant NPC Elemental Days Implemented a new feature that adds special elemental things to happen based on the element that was randomly selected on that day. Only affects Nightmare, Hell or Purgatory modes. Monsters take ( 5, 10 or 20% ) additional damage from the same element as day has selected. This extra damage can bypass elemental restrictions, example Fire on Fire 4. Monsters take ( 5, 10 or 25% ) less damage from all other elements All monsters deal part of their original damage in the same element as the selected element. This damage is considered magical. ( 15%, 30% or 50% ) Possible Elements Water Upon death monsters might explode causing everyone to be frozen for 3 seconds Upon death monsters might cast Storm Guest, Deluge, Icebound Trap, Diamond Storm Amount increases based on difficulty ( 1, 2, 3 ) Every 30 seconds a slow is applied to all party members for 5 seconds Fire Upon death monsters might explode causing damage of 5000 ( Purgatory ) - 2000 ( Hell ) - 1000 ( Nightmare ) Upon death monsters might cast Meteor Storm, Fire Pillar, Firing Trap or Conflagration Amount increases based on difficulty ( 1, 2, 3 ) Every 30 seconds a burn is applied to all party members for 5 seconds Earth Upon death monsters might explode causing everyone to be rooted for 3 seconds Upon death monsters might cast Quagmire, Maize Trap, Man Hole, Terra Drive Amount increases based on difficulty ( 1, 2, 3 ) Every 30 seconds a slow is applied to all party members for 5 seconds 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites