galdiate 5 Posted May 8, 2021 (edited) !! OUTDATED GUIDE !! Useless guide since illusion dungeons have level requirement now. R.I.P Original guide at 2nd Post Edited January 25, 2022 by galdiate 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galdiate 5 Posted May 8, 2021 (edited) Spoiler Hi guys, this is my first time posting a guide here, and sorry for my BAD grammar *i admit it please be patient with me This is my quickie build for leveling with 1x BaseRate/100x JobRate as Baby Warlock. As to why i choose baby class because baby class have access to 2-trans skills when they are job 2 (ie: Baby Wizard can use Magic Ampli, Gravitation Field,etc), and there's no stat penalty whatsoever in SMRO. I share this build since there's many question here and there asking about where and how to reach 175(1x) as fast as possible. But, keep in mind that this build is not for new player / low budget gears. Because we go straight to illusion dungeons (Abyss & Labyrinth) and we need to be well geared to hunt there.. Phen Card effect (Not Interuptable Cast) is not mandatory either from Equipment & Card / Infinity Gin, it's just for smooth leveling journey (Lv1-99). This build has been experimented and proven by my(shameless)self PROS: 1. Most Quickie to reach level 175 based on total time invested 2. Baby Wizard have access to High Wizard's skills (explained above), Magic = never Miss!! (except: Element Penalty; effect of skills like wall of fog,etc) 3. Gravitational Field (mini-comet damage wise), Comet (Large AoE, High Damage), Safety Wall, & Sightrasher (Knockback) 4. Neutral Property Magic , No Elemental Penalty 5. No Bounties, wasting time 6. No Quests. Optional*Recommended quest : Nightmare Pyramid Quest, Cursed Village Quest, 10pc Deep Sea Essence (Illusion Quest, item only) - i didnt do any quest myself.. CONS: 1. Not budget friendly 2. Not Quickie compared with stacking bounties strategy.. if we ignore time invested for stacking bounties 3. Neutral Property Magic, no damage to Chaotic Ghostring 4. Switching Equipment every now and then which is confusing if u didn't organize it properly 5. Switching Compunded Card every now and then, need to bring Card Removing Matrix, confusing if u didn't organize it properly 6. Baby class can't change job to job 3 directly (Must Reborn ) Leveling Quote 1. Leveling as Baby Novice, Baby Magician & Baby Wizard Level up at anthell01 with Fireball. burn baby burn burn ~ Until change job as Baby Wizard & learned Gravitational Field(5), Mystic Amplification(10), Soul Drain (5+), Sightrasher(1)*DON'T FORGET to learn Safety Wall(10) and Sight(1) *Alternative Location: orcsdun01, orcsdun02, paydun01, @ow2. Baby Wizard's Journey to Lv 99 Level up at illusion abyss ; tur_d03_i or tur_d04_i*I prefer tur_d03_i since there's more brute race turtle as our main source of EXP and less Assaulter there.. First, u need to cast either Gravitational Field / Safety Wall at your cell depend on situation.. If the turtles is near your character then cast Safety Wall first, u didn't want to die early right? Then cast Gravitational Field.While waiting for Gravitational Field's Cooldown, use sight and then sightrasher for knockback effect... to prevent safety wall break before we can reuse Gravitational Field Depend on ur gear, i recommend u to kill turtles with minimum 3x Gravitational Field, it's mobby there so be careful.. fly away when ur safety wall broken It's possible to kill turtles with 2x Gravitational Field without MVP Card, but i think u need bunch of MVP and over refined Gears like Celine Ribbon and RWC Staff if u aim to 1Shot the turtlesSafety Wall / GF -> Safety Wall / GF -> Sight -> Sightrasher -> GF or Safety Wall / GF -> Safety Wall / GF -> Safety Wall (near your cell) -> move to new safety wall -> GF*Bring healing item if necessary ; Condensed White Potion, Light Potion (White,Yellow,Blue), WoE Potion (Effect-wise, Weight-wise, no level-limit) *Bring 4~6 yggs berry/seed if you didn't bring healing item above (for emergency purpose, i usually use one or two at Lv90+)*Don't forget step 1 right after rebirth before coming back here *Hunt at Illusion Abyss until change job as Baby Warlock & learned Comet(5),Radius(3),Release(1),Freezing Spellbook(5+) *Damage Goals -> 2x GF to kill turtles if possible, because there's a time difference if compared with 3x GF to kill turtles. I forgot the exact time difference tehee~ *Alternative Hunting Area = Illusion Teddy Bear; less exp, There's a possibility to 1Shot there if you have Greater Red Pepper Card (MVP) and change your shadow armor to formless one. You can try there if you're struggling to stay alive at Illusion Abyss.3. Lv 100-175 Here we go, illusion labyrinth prt_mz03_i Normally you can't 1Shot them yet.... not until (at least) Lv120. Depend on your gear you can 1Shot rightaway. Don't shy to use safety wall if there's a monster near your cell..Kill them all!!! It's possible to farm Chaotic Ghostring Card too... depend on ur gear it's possible to 1Shot Chaotic Ghostring with either or both Crimson Rock & Soul Expansion*Always make sure Comet always ready to use (Release) *You have a few second of grace period (not attacked) by monsters right after teleported; reading spellbook/using yggs during this few second will not cancel the grace period *No need to bring Healing Potion, use Yggs obtained from hunting if necessary *If you want to bring healing item, just bring Concentrated Blue & Golden Syrup (Effect-wise, Weight-wise)*Damage Goals -> 1Shot at Illusion Labyrinth *Make sure Magic Amplification & Recognized Spells active 24/7 (Don't forget Blue Herb Activator&etc if necessary)Loot Setting (Bonus fo ya~)@autoloot 0 ; turn it off, don't bother with jellopies, sticky muscus, etc. @alt +6 ; cards @alt +10 ; costumes @alt +12 ; shadow gears (optional) @ali +[Item ID] 507, 510 ; red & blue herb --> activator material 607,608 ; ygg seed & berry --> activator material 603, 617 ; OBB OPB 6256 ; Ice Piece --> +20 Food Material (obtainable when leveling at illusion abyss)*If u use @alt +2 and @alt +0, u should add several @nli, like @nli +610 (ygg leaf) etc etc... Stat Allocation Quote Level 1 - 99Int 99 (#1 Priority) Dex 40~60 (#2) Vit rest (#3) *Dont bother with STR yet (for weight limit) since u won't be overweight yet at this pointLevel 100+Int 120 (#1) Dex 90~120 (#2) Vit 40~90 (#3) Str Rest (#4)*Int = More MATK, Reduce VCT, Safety Wall's Durability (Safety wall also affected by base INT) -> Sturdy Safety Wall is very helpful at Lv1-99 *Dex = Reduce VCT *Vit = HP+ & DEF+ for survivability *Str = More weight limit -> less storing item @storage -> saving time / more efficient Itamz!! Quote Main Item Below is the list important item that will be used regularly from Lv1-175 Battle Manual X3 (ID 14545) Infinite Fly Wing Almighty Blue Gemstone ; for Safety Walls Comet Spellbook Healing Potion (For Lv1-99) HP Increase Potion (any Size) ; more HP = one inch away from death Card Removing Matrix Gym Pass; more weight why not ? it's cheap anyway Shining Defense Scroll ; survivability, very helpful at Lv1-99. I stop using it after change job as Baby Warlock (Situational, u may need to use it before you can 1Shot at Illusion Labyrinth or when you're not used to play with warlock comet yet) Optional Item Infinite Berserk Potion ->Currently Used<- Enrich Celermine Juice ASPD Potion Boarding Halter ->Currently Used<- Guarana Candy ->Currently Used<- Guyak / Old Pudding Biscuit Bag +20 Food Infinity Gin Red Booster Tyr's Blessing Limited Power Booster Blue Herb Activator ->Currently Used<-*Use item buff (red booster,etc) when u need more damage when leveling at illusion abyss (Lv1-99), and don't die since the buff/effect will disappear upon death Equip & Card Lv 1-175 Quote Headgear (Top) +12 Celine Ribbon[1] - Spell,DEX/INT Enchant ; usable from level 1-175 ->Currently Used<- Fenrir Card (MVP) - BiS Pure MATK usable in any condition ->Currently Used<- Plaga Card - Best & cheap non MVP for this build, boost neutral property magic Headgear (Mid) Battle Processor[1] - Neutral 10-14% if u need more damage ->Currently Used<- Poring Sunglasses[1] - Exp & drop boost ; when equipped with +12 Angel Poring Boots for FCT reduction & more exp drop bonus ->Currently Used<- *I switch every now and then, switch to poring sunglasses regardless of level if u have enough damage Ungoliant Card - BiS if used with Jewelry Ant Card (Acc) ->Currently Used<- Plaga Card - Neutral Boost again, why not ? Weakened Fenrir - Little MATK bonus Headgear (Low) Rainbow Scarf - MATK bonus Foxtail - 0,1 FCT reduction Happy Balloon - Exp & drop boost ->Currently Used<- Shield +12 Purified Knight Shield[1] - Ignore MDEF Normal Mutated Khalitzburg Knight Card - BiS when equipped with Mutated White Knight Card & universal Hodremlin - Universal ; cheaper than Mutated KK Card Orc Warrior Card - Reduce dmg received from brute race (useful when leveling at Illusion Abyss) *I didnt use PKS from level 1, since i already own +12 Bunny Equip & Card Lv 1-99 Quote Armor +9 Kafra Uniform[1] - Exp & drop bonus, MaxHP% and HP+ for survivability ->Currently Used<- +12 Robust Armor[1] (Temporal Int Armor) - More MATK, low survivability at lower level Infinite TGK Card (MVP) - BiS for Survivability, finally you can use this trash card didn't need to bring/use potion while leveling from level 1-99Entweihen Crothen Card (MVP) - BiS for Pure MATK Bonus Spirit Decorated Tree Card - Cheaper option compared to Infinite TGK ->Currently Used<- Sweet Nightmare Card - Phen Card for Armor; if u didnt use Mad Bunny Shield / Infinity Gin*Even without Infinite TGK Card (MVP), i rarely use healing items ; so i can say that with 10k more HP it's very possible to not bring ANY healing items *I prefer survivability than MATK for this, since it's VERY HARD to 1Shot at Illusion Abyss (Low level = lower stats, and limited choice of equipments) Weapon +12 RWC Memory Staff[1] - MATK +150, MATK to all Monster +10%, MATK+5/refine level when equipped with RWC Pendant ->Currently Used<- Mutated White Knight Card - BiS when equipped with Mutated Khalitzburg Knight Card ->Currently Used<- Magic Poisoned Plaga Card - Cheaper option, but need +14 for max potential Shield *SKIP IF YOU CHOOSE PKS* +12 Mad Bunny Shield[1] - Phen Card effect at +12 ; same stat with PKS but no enchant, no ACD reduction & no 10% element resist ->Currently Used<- Mutated Khalitzburg Knight Card - BiS when equipped with Mutated White Knight Card & universal ->Currently Used<- Hodremlin - Universal, cheaper option Orc Warrior Card - Reduce dmg received from brute race (useful when leveling at Illusion Abyss)*I prefer Bunny Shield over PKS at this level, for phen card effect at +12 since i didnt use Infinity Gin anymore & I already own one.. Garment +12 Violet Halo[1] - Best Garment for low level magic&range build ->Currently Used<- Purple Pitaya Card - Neutral Boost!! O~Yeah!! ->Currently Used<- Shoes +9~12 Angel Poring Boots[1] - refine to +12 if u need FCT reduction and other bonus when equipped with poring sunglasses ->Currently Used<- Nightmare Verit Card - MATK +10% and cheap !! ->Currently Used<- Acc (Right) RWC 2012 Ring[1] - HP+,HP+,VIT/DEX/INT Enchant ; Max Potential HP+ 600 for more survivability, stat optional ->Currently Used<- Dwigh Card - +20% Neutral Magic ->Currently Used<- Acc (Left) RWC 2012 Pendant[1] - Spell,Spell,HP+ ; Max Potential Spell+ 6, and HP+ 300 ; more MATK when equipped with RWC Memory Staff ->Currently Used<- Jewelry Ant Card (Set) - +30% Neutral Magic when equipped with Ungoliant Card ->Currently Used<- Equip & Card Lv 100+ Quote Level 100Weapon +12 RWC Memory Staff ; change Mutated WK Card to Red Pitaya Card->Currently Used<- Red Pitaya Card (set) - Comet & CR bonus!!->Currently Used<- Shield ->SKIP IF U USE PKS FROM LEVEL 1<- +12 PKS - Ignore MDEF Normal ->Currently Used<- Mutated Khalitzburg Knight Card - BiS when equipped with Mutated White Knight Card & universal ->Currently Used<- Hodremlin - Universal Garment +12 Temporal INT Manteau - ACD / MATK% Enchant->Currently Used<- Purple Pitaya Card - Neutral Boost!! O~Yeah!!->Currently Used<- Shoes +12 Temporal INT Boots - Runaway Magic, Spell ; more damage when equipped with KSDPI's Divine Power Enchant->Currently Used<- Research Assistant Bot Card (Set) - Comet & CR bonus!! never wrong~->Currently Used<- Acc (Right) Celine Brooch[1] - Bonus Set w/ Celine Ribbon->Currently Used<- Roaming Spellbook Card (Set) - Comet & CR bonus!!->Currently Used<-*Change RWC Ring to celine brooch **Left acc still use RWC pendant, for RWC Memory Staff bonus Level 120Weapon +10~14 Thanatos Staff[1] - Ghost/Normal/MATK% ; leech hp&sp = sayonara healer, enchant not mandatory, either one of enchant is okay (ghost for chaotic ghostring, normal&MATK% universal)->Currently Used<- Red Pitaya Card - Comet & CR bonus!! never wrong~->Currently Used<- Acc (Right) Noblesse Magic Ring[1] - +5% All Property Magic->Currently Used<- Roaming Spellbook Card (set) - Comet & CR Bonus!!->Currently Used<- Acc (Left) Celine Brooch[1] - Bonus Set w/ Celine Ribbon->Currently Used<- Jewelry Ant Card (Set)- +30% Neutral Magic when equipped with Ungoliant Card->Currently Used<- Level 130Armor +10~12 Illusion Armor B-type - 2xMagic,ACD->Currently Used<- Agav Card - MATK5% & cheap!! ->Currently Used<- Ghostring - Survivability & cheap!! Beware of Chaotic Ghostring's soul strike **at this point armor card is not VERY important use whatever u want, since there's Magic Amplification + Recognized Spell equipped with other equipment u can 1Shot already at this level**DON'T USE ANGELING CARD (Beware of Chaotic SideWinder & Chaotic BaphoJr. skills) Level 150 Acc (Right) Grace Magic Ring[1] - +10% All Property Magic ; if u didn't use KSDPI with Divine Power Enchant Celine Brooch[1] - Bonus Set w/ Celine Ribbon ; if u use KSDPI with Divine Power Enchant ->Currently Used<- Roaming Spellbook Card (set) - Comet & CR Bonus!! ->Currently Used<- Acc (Left) King Schmidt's Divine Power Insignia[1] - Divine Power Enchant ; must equipped with Runaway Magic Enchant from Temporal INT Boots, the rest of enchant is not important, but Spell 5 & Dex5/Int5 Enchant is the best ->Currently Used<- Jewelry Ant Card (Set) - +30% Neutral Magic when equipped with Ungoliant Card ->Currently Used<- OptionalArmor +12 Automatic Armor B-type - 2xMagic,ACD ; Lv 160 equipment, high budget, universal magic build ->Currently Used<- Weapon***There's better weapon than thanatos staff[1], but i didnt change it because of high level requirement & too lazy to carry more equipment for insignificant difference***Can 1shot kill with thanatos staff why bother to change? the difference is just not using either/both Magic Amplification & Recognized Spell +10~14 Rod of Vicious Mind[1] - MATK%,Normal,ACD/any ; Lv 160 weapon, outdated, just skip it unless u already own it.. +10~14 Welding Wand[2] - MATK%,Normal,any ; Lv 170 weapon, high budget & you're just 5 level away from finish line.. Shadow & Stone Quote Level 1-99 Magic Caesars Hunting Shadow Armor ->Currently Used<- Tempest Shadow Shield ->Currently Used<- Tempest Shadow Shoes ->Currently Used<-Total Refine +25 for ignore 100% MDEF Brute, MATK% Enchant if possible, no enchant is okay too... +9 Perfect Size Shadow Weapon - MATK% Enchant ->Currently Used<- Level 100+ +9 Magical Shadow Armor - MATK% Enchant; Universal Magic Build ->Currently Used<- +9 All Races Shadow Shoes - MATK% Enchant; Universal Magic Build ->Currently Used<- +7~9 Crimson Shadow Shield - MATK% Enchant ->Currently Used<- +(Any) Warlock Shadow Weapon - MATK% Enchant ->Currently Used<-*Ignore Mdef from Skill Shadow Shield & Class Shadow Weapon + Ignore MDef Normal Monster from PKS = 100% (still counted as 100%, even if u have 120% mdef pierce, i suggest to not over refine Warlock Shadow Weapon)**Crimson Shadow Set (Armor,Shield,Shoes) is cheaper & easier to enchant, boost CR more than MagicalArmor & AllRace Shoes (easier to 1shot Chaotic Ghostring with Crimson Rock) Level 1-175 +10 Almighty Shadow Earring & Pendant - MATK% Enchant; Total +20 All Stats ; never wrong~ ->Currently Used<- High Wizard II Top-Mid-Lower ->Currently Used<- Warlock II Garment ->Currently Used<-*Boost Neutral Magic, Comet, and MATK !! Est. Time to Reach Level 175 with 1x Baserate & 100x Jobrate Quote Normal = no bonus exp? skip skip.. no bonus no love 50% Exp Up = avg 110-120mins , 4pc BMX3 = level 175100% Exp Up = avg 95-105mins , 3pc BMX3 = level 173-174 (I use another BMX3 if I only reach level 173, or THIKK if I reach level 174 with half exp bar filled )*It's situational, depend on how mobby the monster are.. especially at journey to Lv99, i kill turtles in 2x Gravitational Field instead of 3x; ignore/fly wing when there's only 1 monster *BMX3 activated from level 1, you can also activate it later after change job to Baby Wizard *Preparation time not included ; ie: Setting loot command, GymPass, taking equipment from storage, etc. Well, i didn't mention MVP Card any further since i think it's only for niche players (ie: Himmelz, Bijou, Etc Etc). I have tested myself that it's POSSIBLE to kill turtles with 2x GF without MVP Card, unless you aim to 1Shot turtles (i believe u need MANY MVP Cards & OVER REFINED GEARS) GUIDE DONE!! Enjoy my Quickie build... tell me ur opinion, or questions... Edited January 25, 2022 by galdiate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites