Kill Count: 38958
Kill Count: 94844


Found a total of 862 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 141-160.

Vendor ID ▼ Vendor Name ▼ Title Map ▼ X Y Gender
4117 Michael Munroe Until Dawn (Mike) prontera 166 153 M
4112 merchant888 equip shop fortessa 211 139 M
4105 Samantha Giddings Until Dawn (Sam) prontera 166 158 F
4104 Traficante de besos Cheapos (offer Ncub3 via rodex) dicastes02 112 137 F
4086 Needful Things Needful Things prontera 147 153 F
4084 Caveat Emptor Caveat Emptor prontera 147 159 F
4083 koseki Moon CGE ets fortessa 208 139 M
4080 kumiya Sniful (Gr A) Costume etc fortessa 202 142 M
4077 talktovendnpc the only supplier fortessa 256 154 M
4076 Becky G Stuff fortessa 226 103 F
4072 seagou take fortessa 226 118 F
4063 Requin Damn son fortessa 238 112 M
4054 FailBS a c rachel 125 87 F
4048 Tweety here payon 179 91 F
4047 HolyBBS777 AsprikaBox,MCA,OCA,FortessaBox fortessa 205 136 M
4042 Ki ye selling7 ayo_in01 129 163 M
4038 GaleSell1 GS amatsu 192 219 M
4036 Hikariare nice prontera 136 165 F
4035 Tatiana Donatache dumb server market9 ayo_in01 129 166 F
4025 MineMine Moons, ores, costume treasure fortessa 229 139 F
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