Kill Count: 139593
Kill Count: 94318


Found a total of 876 record(s) across 44 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Vendor ID ▲ Vendor Name ▲ Title Map ▼ X Y Gender
2 Samantha Giddings Until Dawn (Sam) fortessa 226 139 F
3 Michael Munroe Until Dawn (Mike) fortessa 229 139 M
4 Speranza777 Gold,HeroWM,MechanicSW,Reverberation fortessa 217 136 F
18 Sera Illuminas Flower Stand fortessa 226 151 F
28 TEHNO BARD +12 Weapons fortessa 241 121 M
31 Telochka +12 WEAPONS fortessa 223 145 F
33 TER MI NA TOR +12 weapons fortessa 244 133 F
40 datbancard taphoa#3alchemistt~~~~ alberta 96 41 F
42 dat4 taphoa#4card,clock alberta 89 38 F
45 BRing Me Zeny KT3393> Iron heart, Metal body alberta 153 73 M
47 Luck UUUwUU Zeny kaikunne alberta 150 73 M
48 Black Merch 9 M9> Don't have to decide alberta 159 69 M
49 26D2Ki M26> Ay yay yay alberta 147 73 M
50 Bring Me LUCK M1> Got a horse shoe alberta 123 26 M
53 VendingPleki a payon 171 117 M
55 PlekiSold a payon 171 120 M
56 LowD2Ki22 M22> Lemme catch ya vibe alberta 129 26 M
57 PlekiSell a payon 171 123 M
58 LowD2Ki24 M24>Baby can u see ? u r all i need alberta 135 26 M
59 Black Merchant K2 M5> Ore no deban da na! alberta 126 26 M
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next