Kill Count: 178334
Kill Count: 78892

Vending Items Of [TheMall]


alberta_in, 17, 187

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
12103 An ancient, gnarled branch with a contract written in blood upon the bark that can summon stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Summons a random Boss monster
Weight: 0
Bloody Branch None None None None 1 444 436 z 1094
51007 A very special coin.
Can be exchanged for 100 cashpoints per in the Main Office.
Renewal Only:
Can be used with a special Slotmachine. Usage @specialslot
Weight: 0
Moon Coin None None None None 790 000 z 2027