Kill Count: 200668
Kill Count: 33676

Vending Items Of [MS MEIMEI]


fortessa, 229, 154

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
27250 MATK + 3%
Increase Earth and Neutral property magical damage by 5%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Dio Anemos Card None None None None 2 499 999 z 1
Plain Essence None None None None 59 999 z 692
53700 A mysterious, otherworldly fragment. It's overflowing with a strange energy that constantly twists and turns.
Weight : 0
Otherworld Enigmatic Fragment None None None None 199 999 z 12
6471 The darkness of Nifflheim is lumped into this.
Used for combining biological materials in a testing lab
Weight: 1
Ghost Chill None None None None 399 999 z 19
678 A skeleton shaped bottle which contains deadly poison.
Class: Usable item
Weight: 10
Poison Bottle None None None None 99 999 z 170
Aferde Card None None None None 999 999 z 2