Kill Count: 42103
Kill Count: 28665

Vending Items Of [8811]

fortessa, 208, 160

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
12040 An enchanted stone rumored to transmute any matter into gold.
Weight: 1
Stone of Sage None None None None 179 999 z 483
18848 If you don't know how to decorated it, always keep it fresh so it stay beautiful.
MATK +20
Every refine increase MATK.
When an enemy is killed by a magic attack, HP is restored by 100.
50 HP is lost per 5 seconds.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 0
Location: Upper
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fresh Roses [1] None None None None 19 999 999 z 1
Agnes Roegenburg Card None None None None 59 000 000 z 1
27222 Increases Critical Damage by 20%.
Increases damage taken from all race monsters by 20%.
Refine Level +15
Increases Critical Damage by 25% instead.
Increases damage taken from all race monsters by 10% instead.
Type: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Sealed Fallen Pyuriel Card None None None None 99 999 999 z 1
300184 ATK +5%
Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 7%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Shoes
Weight: 1
Arena Blut Hase Card None None None None 375 000 000 z 1
12796 A Magical booster which activates the body energy in order to combat better.
ATK, MATK +30, Duration 10 mins. ASPD Increased (Delay after Attaking -5% ), Variable Casting - 5%, Max HP, Max SP -10%.
Has a chance to cast Improved Concentration Lvl 3 when using physical or magic attacks.
(When the learned level is higher than Lvl 3, it activates the learned level.)
If the character gets knock down, the item effect will disappear.
Weight: 1
Red Booster None None None None 450 000 z 61
14766 A booster that increases your power significantly.
for 30 minutes: increase ATK & MATK +30, ATK & MATK +1%, HIT & FLEE +30, ASPD +1, reduces SP consumption by 5%, reduces Fixed Casting Time by 30%
(The fixed cast time reduction % only applies to longer time.)
If the user die, the effect will dissapear.
Weight: 1
Limited Power Booster None None None None 450 000 z 75
1000103 A meal ticket issued by managers to serve mercenaries efficiently in the Varmundt Mansion.
It is said that there is nothing in the Varmundts Mansion that cannot be obtained with a single meal ticket.
Weight: 0
Varmeal Tickets None None None None 722 000 z 357
1000521 Reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds.
When equipped with Minor Casting Stone (Garment)
Reduces fixed casting time by additional 0.3 seconds.
Minor Casting Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 38 999 998 z 1
1000675 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a garment costume.
Reduces delay after skill by 5%.
Reload Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 68 999 997 z 2
1000921 Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a garment costume.
SPL + 5.
Note: can be used together with a normal Garment Stone
Weight: 10
Spell Stone (Dual) [2] None None None None 14 999 998 z 2