Kill Count: 123826
Kill Count: 32903

Vending Items Of [eattherich]


aldebaran, 148, 118

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Ice Magic Stone (Tornado Swing) None None None None 68 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Genesis Pressure) None None None None 44 444 444 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Drain Soul) None None None None 38 888 888 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Robust) None None None None 33 333 333 z 1
12246 Powerful spirits are sealed within this album.
What will happen if the seal is undone?
Weight: 5
Mystical Card Album None None None None 4 888 888 z 4
Dim Glacier Mace 10 [1] None Glacier Flower Spell (Physical Grade) 5Lv Glacier Flower Spell (Mayhemic Thorns) None 400 000 000 z 1