Kill Count: 151296
Kill Count: 134623

Vending Items Of [Lady Olivia]


dewata, 198, 185

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
7036 A sharp fang dislodged from Hatii's mouth.
Weight: 1
Fang of Hatii None None None None 400 000 z 631
7070 A damaged turtle's shell. In ancient times, turtle shells were used to foretell the future.
Weight: 1
Broken Shell None None None None 400 000 z 500
7113 A broken emblem of Pharaoh that seems to possess some mysterious power.
Weight: 1
Broken Pharaoh Emblem None None None None 400 000 z 495
7114 A golden mask that is rumored to be worn by an ancient Egyptian king.
Weight: 1
Mask of Tutankhamen None None None None 400 000 z 287
7169 A talisman with a Yin-Yang symbol carved in the middle of it.
Weight: 1
Ba Gua None None None None 400 000 z 378
7211 A broken piece of a stone with writing carved in an ancient language.
Weight: 1
Fragment of Rossata Stone None None None None 400 000 z 662
7451 A red dragon's scale that seems to possess some kind of magical power.
Weight: 1
Fire Dragon Scale None None None None 400 000 z 664
7754 An antique crown
that was once worn
by the ruler of an
ancient kingdom;
it used to sparkle
with magnificence.
It can be sold to
Merchant NPCs.
Weight: 1
Broken Crown None None None None 400 000 z 485
7513 An old silver pocket watch.
Weight: 1
Pocket Watch None None None None 400 000 z 253
25508 A token of a blue coloured orc. It seems to symbolize a higher status within the Orc society.
Weight: 1
Token of Orc General None None None None 400 000 z 274
25629 A letter folded into a knot. The flower signifies the writer's heart and soul, but it has long since wilted.
Weight: 1
Knotted Letter None None None None 400 000 z 480