Kill Count: 237070
Kill Count: 148152

Vending Items Of [seller101]


rachel, 114, 110

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
4684 Increases Cross Impact damage by 20%.
When equipped with Level 4 weapons, increases Cross Impact damage by 20%.
When refine level +10: increases Cross Impact damage by 20%.
Changes in War of Emperium / PvP / Battleground maps
When more than 2 cards of this are used the effect of all cards have no effect.
The effect is limited to 2 cards only.
Outside of the maps named above the cards work normal and have no limitation.

Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
True Eremes Guile Card None None None None 12 000 000 z 1
4310 Inflict 10% more damage with Critical Attack.
CRIT +7 on Demon monsters.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Panzer Goblin Card None None None None 500 000 z 1