Kill Count: 155211
Kill Count: 18618

Vending Items Of [Benedetto]


fortessa, 211, 130

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
604 A twig which contains the mysterious power of eternity. It can summon a living creature...
Class: Usable item
Effect: Summon random monster
Weight: 5
Dead Branch None None None None 29 999 z 622
42019 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random magical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Magical Class Shadow Box None None None None 999 999 z 22
42018 Class Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a Class Shadow Equipment you will get 1 random physical enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Physical Class Shadow Box None None None None 999 999 z 21
23720 Shadow Equipment Enchantment Box.
Enchant list - click here
If you put in a shadow equipment with a refinement rating of 7 or higher, except for class shadows, you will get 1 random enchant.
Does not have a chance to break the item. Cannot fail.
Using this item on an already enchanted item will overwrite the enchantment.
Weight: 1
Shadow Enchant Box None None None None 2 999 999 z 5
51011 Can be exchanged for rewards at @go special.
Weight: 0
Loyalty Certificates None None None None 149 999 z 1980
7938 A golden crystal. It seems very warm as if sunshine has been put into it.
Weight: 1
Light Granule None None None None 29 999 z 1945
7444 An ancient treasure box filled with old coins, ornaments, and jewelry.
Weight: 1
Treasure Box None None None None 89 999 z 184