Kill Count: 255882
Kill Count: 73139

Vending Items Of [w4t5et]


fortessa, 232, 133

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Ice Magic Stone (Diamond Grave) None None None None 20 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Power of Savage) None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
1000874 A special universal enchant ticket.
fortessa,90,125,0,100,0,0 can be found at @go instance.
[ Target Items ]
Mad Bunny-LT
Hero's Boots-LT
Hero's Badge
World Tree Young Leaf
Helm of Faith
Thanos' Helmet-LT
Weight : 0
Enchant Ticket None None None None 1 000 000 000 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (Lucky Strike) None None None None 15 000 000 z 2
27109 Reduce damage taken from Neutral property enemies by 10%.
Max HP + 500
[+Playing Pere Card]
[+Singing Pere Card]
When dealing physical or magical damage, Adds a 2% chance of transforming into Grand Pere for 6 seconds.
[Grand Pere]
Gain 2000 HP
Increase physical and magical damage inflicted on Neutral property enemies by 200%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Jitterbug Card None None None None 21 999 999 z 1
Ice Magic Stone (VIT) None None None None 50 000 000 z 1
Shining Seaweed Card None None None None 28 400 000 z 5