Kill Count: 243921
Kill Count: 131817

Vending Items Of [BEEG SANA]


fortessa, 259, 145

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1001054 Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
P.Atk + 3.
When equipped with Range Stone (Upper):
P.Atk + 1, CON + 1.
When equipped with Range Stone (Middle):
P.Atk + 1, CON + 1.
When equipped with Range Stone (Lower):
P.Atk + 1, CON + 1.
When equipped with Concentration Stone (Dual):
P.Atk + 5, CON + 3.
Weight: 10
Range Physical Attack Stone (Garment) None None None None 3 000 000 z 17
1000922 Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
S.Matk + 3.
When equipped with Magic Power Stone (Upper):
S.Matk + 1, SPL + 1.
When equipped with Magic Power Stone (Middle):
S.Matk + 1, SPL + 1.
When equipped with Magic Power Stone (Lower):
S.Matk + 1, SPL + 1.
When equipped with Spell Stone (Dual):
S.Matk + 5, SPL + 3.
Weight: 10
Spell Magic Attack Stone (Garment) None None None None 8 000 000 z 21
1000528 Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a Upper Costume.
Increases all property magical damage by 3%.
When equipped with Magic Power Stone (Lower) and Magic Power Stone (Middle)
Increases all property magical damage by additional 6%.
Weight: 10
Magic Power Stone (Upper) None None None None 9 000 000 z 12
300211 Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by 35%.
Increases SP Consumption by 10%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Left)
Weight: 1
Ash Toad Card None None None None 8 000 000 z 1
27385 Mdef + 10.
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 25%.
When equipped with Mutated White Knight Card,
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by additional 5%.
Increases magical damage against medium and large size enemies by 5%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Shield
Weight: 1
Mutated Khalitzburg Card None None None None 8 000 000 z 8