Kill Count: 291422
Kill Count: 140364

Vending Items Of [Shimura]

Help me guys

amatsu, 112, 255

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
9090 An egg in which a Little Isis Cute Pet rests.
Can be hatched by using a Pet Incubator.
If pet intimacy is Awkward or Shy,
ATK + 1%.
If pet intimacy is Neutral,
ATK + 2%.
If pet intimacy is Cordial,
ATK + 3%.
If pet intimacy is Loyal,
ATK + 4%.
Class: Monster Egg
Little Isis Egg None None None None 30 000 000 z 1
32231 An Insignia used by King Schmidt.
Max HP + 10%.
When equipped with King Schmidt's Suit and King Schmidt's Manteau:
Max HP + 5%, Reduces after-cast delay by 5%
Class : Accessory(Left)
Defense : 10
Weight : 20
Required Level : 150
Usable Jobs : All classes
King Schmidt's Rigid Insignia [1] Shotgun Buffalo Bandit Card Strong Spell4 None 100 000 000 z 1