Kill Count: 97892
Kill Count: 6615

Vending Items Of [Collorado]


fortessa, 238, 121

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
19598 Can feel a high dignity of the Northern Wolf Tribe.
Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Wandering Wolf King Helmet None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
Boots of Good and Evil (Sky Emperor) [1] None None None None 50 000 000 z 1
13337 Atk + 30 per 3 refines.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 3% per refines.
Matk + 50.
[Illusion Apple O' Archer]
Reduce variable casting time by 15%.
If refine of both are 7 or higher, increase damage of Swirling Petal by 15%.
If the sum of refine is 18 or higher, add an additional damage of Swirling Petal by 15%.
If the sum of refine is 22 or higher, reduce cooldown of Swirling Petal by 1 second.
Class : Huuma
Attack : 250
Weight : 150
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 120
Applicable Job : Ninja
Illusion Huuma Fluttering Snow [2] None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
300222 Increases Magical Damage with Wind element by 35%.
Increases SP Consumption by 10%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Left)
Weight: 1
Fire Wind Kite Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 4
48249 INT + 2, VIT + 1.
Max HP + 10%, increases Psychic Wave and Diamond Dust damage by 10%.
When equipped with Blue Pitaya Card and Research Assistant Bot Card, increases Psychic Wave and Diamond Dust damage by 20%,
increases Psychic Wave damage by additional 5% per 2 refine of shoes and increases Diamond Dust damage by additional 5% per 2 refine of weapon.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Accessory
Weight: 1
Bookworm Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
48246 STR + 3.
Max HP + 10%, increases Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water damage by 10%.
When equipped with Verporta Card and Greater Papila Ruba Card, increases Dragon Breath and Dragon Breath - Water damage by 20%,
increases Dragon Breath damage by additional 5% per 2 refine of shoes and increases Dragon Breath - Water damage by additional 5% per 2 refine of weapon.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Accessory
Weight: 1
Broken Cleaner Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 2
27262 Increase Neutral and Shadow property magical damage by 20%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Dwigh Card None None None None 20 000 000 z 2
27105 Enables use of Level 4 Napalm Vulcan.
[+Vampire's Servant]
MATK + 30
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Right)
Weight: 1
Bomi Card None None None None 30 000 000 z 3
4054 Blesses an Armor with the Holy element.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Angelring Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 2