Kill Count: 71351
Kill Count: 54104

Vending Items Of [Inazuman Seller]

lucky enchant day is today

prontera, 142, 163

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
55048 Allows you to enchant the Ancient Hero Weapons.
Enchant List - Click here
Automatically gives 2 enchants to the selected item.
Will enchant it with enchants from the physical category.
[Enchantable Item]
Narcissus Bow, Royal Bow
Avenger, Honglyeong Sword
Madogum, Iron Nail
Shadow Staff, Aeon Staff
Kiri no Tsuyu, Surodoi Kaze
Shiver Katar, Aquatic Spear
Exorcist's Bible, Thousand Sun
Spirit Plumb, Meowmeow Foxtail
Crimson Rose, Golden Lord Launcher
Master Soul Rifle, Demon Slayer Shot
The Black, Huuma Shuriken Clearness
Weight : 1
Ancient Hero's Bravery None None None None 899 999 z 1
1000446 Meteorite Fragment of Spell.
Weight: 0.1
Meteorite Fragment of Spell None None None None 109 999 z 30
1000445 Meteorite Fragment of Luck.
Weight: 0.1
Lucky Meteorite Fragment None None None None 57 999 z 120
1000444 Meteorite Fragment of Agility.
Weight: 0.1
Agile Meteorite Fragment None None None None 97 999 z 50