Kill Count: 149898
Kill Count: 92291

Viewing Monster

#21933: Venomous Nepenthes

Monster ID 21933 Sprite ECO_NEPENTHES
kRO Name Venomous Nepenthes Custom No
iRO Name Venomous Nepenthes HP 36,829,620
Size Medium SP 0
Race Plant Level 254
Element Poison (Lv 2) Speed 1,000
Experience 122,259,900 Attack 13,843~9,125
Job Experience 111,179,300 Defense 689
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 389
Attack Delay 500 ms Attack Range 7
Attack Motion 576 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 504 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Aggressive
  • Can Attack
Monster Stats
STR 294 AGI 232 VIT 241
INT 239 DEX 450 LUK 159

Venomous Nepenthes Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance
5399 Mandragora Cap 0.2%
1979 Stem of Nepenthes 0.2%
1926 Harp of Nepenthes 0.2%
1740 Nepenthes Bow 0.2%
6041 Strong Vine 100%
993 Green Live 10%
905 Stem 100%
25729 Shadowdecon 1%
25730 Rough Zelunium 20%

Monster Skills for “Venomous Nepenthes”

No skills found for Venomous Nepenthes.
