Kill Count: 131633
Kill Count: 105788

Vending Items Of [KangPacul]

heheboi shop

gonryun, 200, 91

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1866 Bandages tied to hands that engulfed with black lights.
Increases ranged physical attack by 10%.
For each refine level
ATK +4
Refine is 9 or higher
Increases damage of Knuckle Arrow by 40%.
Refine is 11 or higher
Reduces after skill delay by 7%.
Type: Knuckle
Attack: 220
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Refinable: Yes
Base level 170
Fighting God's Bandage 12 [2] None None None None 200 000 000 z 1