Kill Count: 193688
Kill Count: 113161

Vending Items Of [Aissa]

Enchant Materials

mid_camp, 331, 146

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
25273 Exchange with Crane in Hugel for Racing Thank Tickets.
Weight: 0
Mysterious Medal None None None None 185 000 z 776
51011 Can be exchanged for rewards at @go special.
Weight: 0
Loyalty Certificates None None None None 100 000 z 680
52087 Used to create Headgear Certificates.
Weight: 1
Forgery Token None None None None 100 000 z 176
Snowflower Ore None None None None 15 000 z 1201
Myornil's Treasure None None None None 85 000 z 111
6665 Take this ticket to the RWC Enchanter so that you can change the enchantment of your RWC 2012 Ring or RWC 2012 Pendant.
Weight: 1
RWC Enchant Reset Ticket None None None None 65 000 z 37
728 A golden gem that is the birthstone for people born in November.
Weight: 10
Topaz None None None None 32 500 z 530
Poisonous Magic None None None None 32 500 z 209
6671 This coin, given to the participants of the Geffen Magic Tournament, can be exchanged for prizes.
Weight: 0
Geffen Magic Tournament Coin None None None None 75 000 z 250
25155 A special Token of Honor from Schwarzwald Republic.
Weight: 0
Schwarzwald's Token of Honor None None None None 1 850 z 4140
6919 A special token received from Prontera Castle.
Weight: 0
Token of Honor None None None None 17 500 z 4009